Episode 50 [II]

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"There could be Titans anywhere, so keep your guard up!" Rhea heard Commander Erwin yell from the front of the charge. "This operation has officially begun! All troops switch to ODM gear!"

Rhea leaped up onto her horse and propelled her ODM gear into the walls, thrusting herself forward up and over the wall. Coming face to face with the town, her mouth opened a gap. "So this is where Reiner and Bertholdt broke into the walls."

The objective of the mission was simple: to seal the gate to Wall Maria and the one to the outside world. When that is achieved, Shiganshina will be isolated, and the Scouts can kill the Titans inside the wall.

Rhea pulled the hood of her cloak over her head, securing it. Eren's location must remain a mystery to the enemy. Landing on the Wall, Rhea began to race toward the outer gate alongside the rest of Levi's squad.

"Huh?" She heard from behind. Rhea turned back only to see Armin with his hand up near the edge of the wall. Jogging towards her comrade she noticed the burnt ashes displayed on the stone. "Oh you've got to be kidding me. Now? Before we've even gotten anything done."

Just then a blast of light came from the outer gate. Eren had transformed and created a shell of armor sealing the outside world from the town. At least their plan was working so far, she thought. However, a sinking feeling pooled in her stomach when Rhea glanced down at the ashes.

"Look," Armin pointed to the ground. Rhea followed his direction. "The ashes show that something was pushed off the wall. We should check it out."

"I'm right behind you."

The two landed on the ground with a thud where it soon became clear that not only Bertholdt and Reiner were camping on the wall. There was a third cup of what appeared to be black tea. Rhea kicked one of the cups to the side before glancing towards Armin. "Is the pot hot or cold?"

Armin hesitantly placed his hand on the metal surface, "its cold."

Rhea rolled her eyes, "figures. That means they had more than enough time to clear the area before we made it here."

Armin stood up, "we have to tell the Commander," and took off in his ODM gear. Rhea observed the wall and buildings a last time before she too headed up towards the Commander.

"They had to have known we were coming." Rhea managed to catch the last of what Erwin was saying. "Which tells me they had plenty of time to prepare for our arrival."

"There's no way, how'd they know?" A scout questioned.

"Well, it's possible they had a scout in addition to the three on the wall." Armin concluded. "We should assume we have many enemies and that they could be anywhere."

"You need to sharpen your focus on the enemies that are nearby. I trust you." Commander Erwin stated, looking directly at Armin. "With that mind of yours, you've saved us from disaster countless times. Now do it again. We're in dire need of your help." Erwin turned towards his men. "You can take as many soldiers as you need. If the enemy's hiding near the inner gate, find them. As of now, you will obey Armin Arlelt's commands. Except for you Bodt, you will return to Section Commander Hanges squad at once."

Rhea immediately nodded her head and saluted to the Commander before taking off. Armin had this, of course he did. She just felt somewhat excluded from the fight when -

Rhea stopped dead in her tracks. Titans, that's who the enemy is and has always been. Titans. Titans who always used their abilities to defeat their enemies, Titans who want to take down the walls and devour humanity - the walls. Titans are inside the walls!


But Armin had already thought of the idea yet it was too late. Suddenly a flare shot up and Reiner appeared from within the wall stabbing and killing one of the soldiers! Rhea raced to the edge, ready to attack when Captain Levi zipped down the wall, his blade in hand, as he pierced through Reiners chest and neck with his weapon.

It was clear that the Captains attack didn't take when Reiner transformed into the Armored Titan after his body hit the ground. "What the hell?" Rhea murmured.

"Keep your eyes open! We still need to find his allies!" Commander Erwin shouted when behind the Scouts, various bolts of lightning shot down as Titans transformed in front of Wall Maria, outside the town. Rhea turned on her heel in complete and utter disbelief as she came face to face with one of her worst enemies: the Beast Titan.

"Incoming boulder! Get Down!"

Rhea's body didn't move as she watched the Beast Titan launch an immense rock towards the wall. Her legs stumbled as the boulder made impact, now blocking the inner gate. There was no way in hell the horses could get through.

"The bastard's isolating us." Rhea gripped her blade tight as anger coursed through her body. She glanced back at her comrades, her friends and saw the fear in Connies eyes.

"Stand down." Levi said next to her.

"Why, he's right there. He killed Nanaba and the others. He's the reason Miche is dead. He's the reason why all of this is happening, I know it!" her heart was beating quickly in her chest as the goosebumps rose along her skin. She was scared shitless but nonetheless she was ready to fight.

"Rhea. When the time is right you can fight. But for now we need to plan our next move. Head to Hange and the others. Await orders. Understand?" Levi pushed her blade down before heading towards the Commander.

Rhea gritted her teeth as she watched the Captain go. "Well shit," she said before making her way to Hange's squad. 


Thanks for reading! More chapters will be updated soon! Sorry i took January off!

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