childhood days💖

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Childhood days.......

Subhadraaaaa I will not leave you..... Shout krishna.

Bharta you can't caught me said subhadra running in whole palace make sound of her anklet.

Suddenly someone collied with subhadra subhadra look up who is it he is our balram dau." Gudiya what have you done today"ask balram. Subhadra smile and hide behind him.

Krishna said"bharta please move aside I will not leave her. "
Balram galred him and said"don't dare to scold her or bet her kanha".

Kanha now had fear in his eyes.

Balram said"leave all this I want to tell you that we are going for feast in hastinapur. There are our cousin and bua so go and pack you bags.

Subhadra said "that good news dau i am eager to meet bua and cousins".

Krishna said" I am also eager to bua kunti and cousin and meet my Arjun ".looking towards subhadra with mischief smile.

Subhadra whispered" Arjun "in low voice.
Arjun name get struck in her heart. She don't know what is going to happened to her. She got lost.

Krishna see her condition and ask her" What happened subhadra ".

Subhadra" nothing bharta".

Balram said " Go pack your bags we will leave morning".

Both nodded and goes to pack there bag

Subhadra pov:

Who are you Arjun why your name attract me towards you. Why your name make me happy. What happen to you subhadra you are thinking about a guy you haven't meet. But am really excited to meet you Arjun.

How is it?

Short chapter but update will so soon.....

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