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Next morning

Subhadra wake up bit last night though were sitle hurting her. She get ready and goes in Hall. She see veer was sitting there.

Veer smiled and said"I was waiting for you only sakhi".

Subhadra smiled faintly and ask"why veer is any problem".

Veer said"we didn't invite hastinapur so i think to send a letter because I have to stay here for some work ".

Subhadra nodded. When a voice came" But it will like there insult".

Subhadra and veer turned there are found Krishna standing there. He walk towards subhadra and veer and said"you personal invite many kingdom of you didn't invite them then it will be insult".

Subhadra said"so what should we".

Krishna look at her sister and caressed her hair and said"if veer cant go you go ".

Veer ssod" No need if it is this much important than i will send anyone other".

Subhadra said"it's ok veer i can go".

Veer look at her she assured him.

Suddenly a messenger came and said" Yadhavas had been came".

Subhadra veer and Krishna goes towards entrance and subhadra see her mother father dau and sister in law. She hug her mother and father then her dau she hug him for long time. Then revathi and Krishna wifes. Then she hug Rukmini.

Rukmini ask"how are you".in sad tone.

Subhadra said"I am fine".trying yo be normal. Rukmini understand her pain and hug her.

Gada came and hug her and said"don't worry ".

Subhadra nodded. Krishna was seeing them. Seeing krishna gada ingnore him. Krishna just smiled.

Krishna said" Ruchi get ready".

Rukmini said"for what arya".

Krishna said"she is going to invite hastinapur ".

Gada said" No need subhadra i will go".

Subhadra said"but bharta i must go as I invite many kingdom personal so i should go there to don't worry I will be come back soon".

Balram said"but remember only for one day i will miss you gudiya".

Subhadra hug her dau and gada.

Subhadra left to go to hastinapur.

In hastinapur

Pandavas reach with draupadi after marring her.

Gandhari said" Arjun where is your wife I want to welcome her she is 1 kuru kurukulvadhu".

Yuddister said"not first she is second when we were live in forest bheem killed hidmaba brother and married her and they have son his name is GHATAKOCH ".

Duryodhan said" Now bheem start to get married to demons".

Bhishma said"I will not considered him as Royal member ".

Bheem look down.

Bhishma continued" But I will consider him as my grandchild. "

Bheem hug him bhishma said"congratulations ".

Kunti called draupadi and draupadi came and took blessing. Pandavas noticed dushala was not present.

Gandhari said" Come arjun let me welcome both of you".

Yudhishthir said"not only arjun mata we also get married ".

Bhishma ask" Where are other four bride yudhishthir ".

Yudhishthir trembled and said" We 5 pandavas get married to draupadi ".

Hearing this pooja plate fell from gandhari. All pandavas look at her. Kunti goes near her.

Bhishma roared " Adharma".

Pandavas said"no pitamaha".

Bhishma said"I am not going to accept you all ".

Saying this angry he left.

All pandavas left inside with every one but failed to noticed draupadi moving out side of palace and goes near a river and stand there sheading tress.

Suddenly she heared a chariot sound and a melodious voice" Are you going to fell in water or waiting water to fall on you".

Draupadi bit angrily ask"which type of questions it is".

Subhadra said"I am sorry seeing you like this I want to ask you the question so i ask it because it look like you were waiting to water fall on you".

Draupadi ask"who are you and what are you doing her".

Subhadra said"I am ruler of aryaavart including hastinapur it is my palace who are you by looking at your dress and jewellers you look rajkumaari did you stole this dress and jewellers from Hastinapur then return it back or you will get punishment ".

Draupadi ask" How can hastinapur becomes your".

Subhadra said"not only hastinapur whole aryaavart is my and hastinapur is my kingdom".

Subhadra leave from there and draupadi followed her.subhadra move towards kingdom her eyes become wet.

To be continued.

How was chapter?

How arjun will pacify subhadra?

How will be there relation now?

Will subhadra forgive him?

Sorry for too late update.

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