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Next morning

Subhadra goes to meet parshuram and take his blessings. Then she see a boy come toward her.

Pashuram said"dwarkaratna he is karna my student who come before 6 month".

Pashuram said"karna she is dwarkaratna she came yesterday".

Subhadra said"pranipat prince ".

Karna said" I am not prince I am a commander ".

Subhadra said" So let became friends".

Karna was shocked he never think that princess will make him his friend.

Karna said"why not dwarkaratna ".

Subhadra said" You can't became my friend tell then you address me as bhadra".

Karna said"ok so what you will call me".

Subhadra said"I can call you bharta you are elder than me".

Karna nodded.

Pashuram said"karna subhadra my new student will reach after sometime you both can complete you pray".

The nodded and left.

Karna was thinking "she is a gem for yadav may be that why she is known as dwarkaratna. When she call bharta my anger can melt easily. She has become a cute sister of mine.

Subhadra said" Do you know today my friend is coming he is veeraj (veer)prince of pandya dynasty. Her mother and father died when he was child I raise him now he is similar of my age her mother took a promise from me before dieing".

Karna said"what promise".


All were crying because there king has died and queen is about to die .

Subhadra with veer and whole family there with her.

Veer mother look at subhadra and said"subhadraa... Promisee. Me thatt.... You willll teach.... Him how to became a maharaj and made him maharaj... Of pandya dynasty... And help him in every problem regarding life and kingdom Promise me dear.

Subhadra with tears eyes" yes I will I make him a perfect maharaj promise you".

After hearing it she last look at her son and subhadra and smile and died.

Veer screamed "mata ".

And. Start to cry subhadra hug him.after that her last ritual start and after it get over we take him to dwarka till he became eligible to be king dwarka people will run his kingdom.

Flashback end

Karna ask" So you are here so thatswhy he is  come today ".

Subhadra nodded her head in yes.

Pashuram called " Come both here is my new student".

Subhadra hug him Karna to hug him they  became best friend.

In gurukul

Arjun was think about bhadra and watching the braclet she give to him and smiling.

Nakul look toward Arjun and said"are you dreaming about someone ".

Arjun without noticing" Yes".

Nakul said"so who is she".

Arjun realised and said"no one go do practice ".

Gada come and said" Tell Arjun please".

Nakul said"what you are asking ".

Gada said" About that person who took promise from him".

Arjun said"I said na I will tell you when I become best archer in world. "

Gada sighed and left with nakul for sword fight. Arjun goes to do archer pratice.

To be continued.

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