peaceful days 💖

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Arjun and subhadra get to much time to spend with each other. They spend one weeks toge9ajd create many beautiful memories.

Veer and pandavas become friends with each other.

Arjun was sitting in Hall with pandavas.

Veer and subhadra were in court room decision about something.

After sometime veer came in Hall. All pandavas ask"where is bhadra ".
Veer said" She is in court room ".

All nodded after sometime subhadra came.

Nakul said" Subhadra is there any special that you were in court room".

Subhadra said"I was in court room because of this idiot".pointing towards veer.

Veer ask"what I did ".

Subhadra said" Oh really why didn't you complete administration work of pandya dynasty you didn't complete that's why I have to do it I am working for it from last night".

Veer said"what I can do I feel bored without my sakhi so I didn't do any work".

Subhadra Faceplamed.

Veer said"and one more think I know you will do it that's why I am relaxed".

Subhadra sighed.

Nakul said"you know tomorrow we are leave for varanavat".

Subhadra said"why this soon".

Yudhishthir said"for a pooja and also I am yuvraj so I have to collected taxes from there ".

Subhadra said" Pooja for what".

Arjun said"that land believe Pithashree as there god because he help them and Pithashree personal visit it. "

Subhadra said"how much I know Pithashree pandu never visit varanavat".

Nakul said"bhadra dont worry we will return bharta Arjun to you soon after we finished our work ".

Nakul was joking but bheem Arjun and subhadra were serious.

Yudhishthir said" We don't know but we should go and if their is any problem we will handle it"

Subhadra nodded.

Subhadra said"so futures maharaj of pandya dynasty now do some work".

Veer said"yes I will ".subhadra left.

Nakul said" If I am not wrong your are just 16 years old like subhadra but you both handle a great responsibility really hats of to you both".

Veer said"but I only hats of subhadra she give her whole to fullfill her promise ".

Nakul ask" Promise ".

Veer explain what happens during his mother death.

Veer said" Subhadra in the one who can fullfill the promise till her last breath she never broke any promise ".

All smiled.

Veer said" You all have you time I am going to pithashree(vasudev). "

All nodded.

Now it's night.

All were having happily dinner. After dinner the goes to there chamber.

Arjun goes to subhadra chamber.

Arjun said"bhadra tomorrow I am leaving but remember my next arrival in dwarka will be to win your hands."

Subhadra said"and I will wait for you."

Arjun hug her. She too hug him.

Next morning.

Arjun hug subhadra and they goes to entrance .subhadra was sad because Arjun was leaving and Arjun was sad because he is leave subhadra.

Yudhishthir said"bhadrey i take Responsibility that arjun will not marry any girl".

Subhadra blushed.veer and other pandavas smile.

Veer said"then i should start preparation for my sakhi marriage ".

Subhadra said" Veer you too".

Veer smiled.

Veer said"come soon ".

All pandavas nodded

Kunti said" What for my arrival with a proposal ".

Subhadra nodded.

Rukmini said" Arjun come soon I am waiting to tease you and my sister on your marriage day".

Arjun said"if you conduct marriage today then I will not go ".

All laugh at his words. Arjun and subhadra were looking at each other with love.

This all conversation was only heard by pandavas veer rukmini and subhadra but they didn't know Krishna to heard.

Heard there laugh.krishna said" You all are enjoying without me".

Subhadra said"no they are teasing me bharta". In child voice.

Krishna fake anger and said"who dare to tease my ruchi".

Veer said"me I am sorry I will not tease her again".

Subhadra smiled and hug Krishna.pandavas and kunti bid a good bye to dwarka and they all leave to go varanavat.before going Arjun subhadra look at each other.

Veer said"subhadra are you coming to pandya dynasty I am going after 1 week".

Subhadra said"yes I will".

They both smiled.they went inside.

Krishna said"ruchi something you should keep patience".he said with deep meaning.

Subhadra nodded.

To be continued

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