bold stand♥

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(Actually accidentally I delete this part so I write it again)

Subhadra get inside the chamber which was alloted to her last time when she visit hastinapur the chamber was decorated for rajkumari but today the chamber is decorated with luxury things it look like heaven Offcourse it should now she is samaragi.

She get fresh and stand in front of balcony . Then a maid came and said"maharaj ask permission to enter".

Subhadra grant it. Dhitrashtra entered and said"praipat samargi ".

Subhadra greeted back " Pranipat maharaj ".

Dhitrashtra ask" Is there any problem can i know why samargi visit hastinapur ".

Subhadra said" After two days there is raj abhishek of rajkumar veeraj so i came to invited hastinapur as samaragi ".

Dhitrashtra said" It's our pleasure to be a part of abhishek we will definitely come ".

Dhitrashtra leave from there.

Subhadra sit there and took a book to read. She sat on bed and start to read .

In hastinapur rajsabha.

Draupadi and pandavas except yuddister stand in one side and kauravas except duryodhan stand in opposite side.

Bhishma, vidhur, dhitrashtra, kulguru kripcharya were present in rajyasabha gandhir and kunti where upside seeing rajyasabha.

Yuddister spoke "maharaj when varanavat caught fire we decided to run away from there to save our life after that i decided to live some time with our rajya people that's why we didn't return hastinapur but today I come to hastinapur now tell duryodhan to give me my place as first yuvarj is alive so second yuvarj can't be considered as yuvraj ".

Duryodhan said" Yes bharta yuddister you place is waiting for you ".

Yuddister smiled and start to walk when duryodhan said" But maharaj how can we accept him as yuvraj when he did big adharm. "

Yuddister look at duryodhan when bhishma stand and ask"which adharm ".

Duryodhan said" What a question pitmah pandavas married one girl is this dharma no pitamha from this marriage what will our rajya people will think ,this adharm person can't become yuvraj ".

Bheem roared when maharaj stop bheem and said" This kind of behaviours will not be accept in court".

Yuddister said"maharaj we 5 brother married draupadi because of some circumstances "

Duryodhan said"but adharm is adharm Yuddister dont deserve to be a yuvraj the yuvraj who marry a girl who married is brother is adharm and draupadi she is such a characterless girl she married 5 men she is unpure girl. "

Tears gathered in draupadi eyes. Kunti snd gandhari were tensed.

Bheem shout and say "duryodhan dont you dare to insult panchali'.

Duryodhan said" Maharaj even all 5 pandavas committee adharm what punishment you will give to pandavas. "

Arjun came forward and said"maharaj we didn't committee any adharm it was destiny".

Duryodhan came in front of arjun and said in his ears"what a man you are arjun you lives subhadra the most beautiful girl and marry other girl with you 5 brother don't worry now I will marry subhadra i will love her more than you".

This make arjun very angry he shout"durydhon"and

This make arjun very angry he shout"durydhon"and

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