secret knowledge for karna and subhadra💖

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After some days.

It was night karna and subhadra were outside. Veer was sleeping. Pashuram see that they both are you roming.

Pashuram goes out and said"what happened why you haven't sleep".

Both said"they didn't get sleep".

Pashuram said"so come on i will teach you about a secret astra ".

Karna and subhadra said" Yes gurudev".

Pashuram take his bow and say some mantra and then shoot arrow on sky then suddenly sun appeared, karna and subhadra were surprised.

Pashuram said"when you will can do this you will become best archery in world".

Pashuram teaches then mantra. They try many time but it was starting so fail.

Pashuram said"practice hard".

They nodded pashuram left.

They try to practice at night all night they do hard work and full day too.

Next morning

Veer was speaking with subhadra then karna entered and said"come let's go it's time to practice ".

They nodded and left.

They take blessing of pashuram and start.

Today pashuram teach them about sword. They practice well subhadra was expert in sword and archery.

Days passed,

Subhadra was best in every weapon. Karna was excellent in archery similar like subhadra and good in sword fight. Veer was good in archery and excellent in sword but he can't defeat subhadra in any weapon.

Veer and subhadra was already best friend but now they can understand each other ,they can understand the pain behind there smile there friendship is like best friend ever made in earrh,veer was only one who know her days with Arjun but he didn't know his name he always call Subhadrapriya.

Karna also become best friend of veer and a best brother of subhadra.

It's night veer had sleep but Karna and subhadra were practicing  to make sun with arrow but couldn't correctly they give some time for it.

In gurukul.

Arjun was sitting and hearing gada. Gada always use to tell me about subhadra for Arjun wish.

Gada was become a good archer and yudhishthir become best is spear, bheem is become best in mace and nakul sahdev became best in sword and they became good friends.


Dushala was become good in sword and good in music too she was missing her best friend. She always miss her. She was waiting for her.

All are doing well. But duryodhan and his brother are thinking to destroy pandavas.

To be continued.

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