first meet💖

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They girl is no other than yadhavi princess.
All look how beautiful she look just like a fairy. The Dwarkaratna is jewel of dwarka.

Then balram said"come gudiya sit here ".

Krishna said" No dau today she will sit with me ".

Balram said" No with me ".

Krishna said" With me".

Subhadra said"I will sit in middle perfect solution.
Then she sit and in front there was arjun and beside arjun was nakul and sahdev.

Nakul said"sister meet my bharta arjun ".

Subhadra look at arjun she don't know what happened to her she was just looking at him and same happened with arjun he was also look at her he look at her beautiful lovable eyes and subhadra see his hazel eyes both were lost in each other nakul clear his throat and said in arjuns ear" After feast should we conducted you marriage ".

Arjun get shy.

Now feast start balram and Krishna feed there sister lovingly and she to feed them all were admiring there bond bit arjun was admiring her how she smile and how beautiful she look nakul cough brought him in reality.

Nakul said" Bharta after feast I will bring her to chamber there you talk to her now eat.

Arjun smiled and all were enjoying feast now feat ended.

Pandavas with subhadra and dushala were in a chamber.

Dushala said "bharta meet my best friend subhadra".

Arjun smile seeing her.

Arjun pov:

So she is my bhadra how beautiful she is her smile make me crazy that's why all praise her her nature is so sweet she is also so cute her beautiful eyes also look beautiful. When she is around him he can smell of lotus flower. Finally I meet her. This is best day for me.

Subhadra pov:

So he is Arjun she is so cute and caring now I get to know why dushala praise him he has a gentle nature good in everything his hazel eyes always pull me toward him. It is best day for me finally I meet him.

Nakul look teasingly and said"if you look each other over than come let's play.

Arjun said "what will we play ".

Nakul said" We will say a word after that word which person will come in you mind you should tell.

First yudhishthir

All ask him question

Bheem said"life"
Yuddister reply "family".
Arjun said" Respect ".
Yuddister reply" Pitamah ".
Nakul said" Mischief ".
Yuddister reply " Nakul".
Sahdev said"sweet".
Yuddister reply "subhadra ".
Subhadra said" Intelligent".
Yuddister reply "sahdev".
Dushala said" Silent but Talkative ".
Yuddister reply" Dushala".

All clapped for his answer.

Yuddister said "dharma".
Bheem said" You jyest".
Arjun said"innocent ".
Bheem said dushala".
Nakul said" Beauty with brain".
Bheem said" Subhadra ".
Sahdev said" Idiot ".
Bheem said" Nakul"
Subhadra said"archery "
Bheem said "Arjun".
Dushala said" Care".
Bheem said "mata".

All clapped now it's Arjun turned.

Yuddister said" Best friend ".
Arjun said" Krishna".
Bheem said"beautiful eyes"
Arjun said"subhadra ".
Nakul said" Soft spoken ".
Arjun said" Subhadra ".
Sahdev said fierce "
Arjun said"subhadra".
Subhadra said"love and care".
Arjun said"mata".
Dushala said"cute".
Arjun said "subhadra".

All clapped but bheem nakul and sahdev has mischievous look to Arjun and subhadra was controlling blush.

Now nakul turn

Yuddister said" Prank".
Nakul reply "subhadra".
Bheem said"lotus ".
Nakul reply" Dear sister subhadra ".
Arjun said" Handsome".
Nakul reply "me".
Sahdev said"roses".
Nakul said" My little sister subhadra ".
Subhadra said" Handsome with brain".
Nakul said"me".
dushala said "talkative "
Nakul said"you".

Now sahdev turn

Yuddister said"mature".
Sahdev said"you ".
Bheem said"strong"
Sahdev said" Bharta Balram".
Arjun said"care with angry".
Sahdev said "mata".
Nakul said" Proud".
Sahdev pitamaha".
Subhadra said"childish ".
Sahdev said" Dushala ".
Dushala said" Fierce with care".
Sahdev said"subhadra ".

Now it is subhadra turn

Yuddister said" Care"
Subhadra said"mothers".
Bheem said"concern"
Subhadra said "bharta gada".
Arjun said" Protective "
Subhadra said"balram".
Nakul said"supporter ".
Subhadra said" Bharta Krishna"
Sahdev said "devoted"..
Subhadra said" To family".
Dushala said"cute ".
Subhadra said" You all ".

All clapped now last dushala turn.

Yuddister said" Angry".
Dushala said"pitashri
Bheem said"strong".
Dushala said "you".
Arjun said" Sweet and kind"
Dushala said"mata kunti"
Nakul said"funny ".
Dushala said" You".
Sahdev said"best friends "
Dushala said" subhadra ".
Subhadra said" Love ".
Dushala said family

Now all take some rest and drink water than all sit talking and all were hearing but Arjun was lost in subhadra. Nakul shake Arjun and Arjun blush.

To be continued...

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