hastinapur ❤

427 22 12

In palace.

Pandavas and everyone expect dushala draupadi,bhishma and evil gang were present in Hall.

A messanger came and said"samragi will be at hastinapur at any time".

Gandhari said"then go and make preparation for welcoming samragi".

Dasi nodded and left.

Gandhari said"kunti tell draupadi to get ready samragi is coming we all should welcome samragi ".

Saying she left.

Pandavas and kunti ask to each other" Who is samragi ".

Kunti said" Leave we will see it now go and call draupadi ".

Pandavas nodded and left.

Drum starts to beat. Pandavas didn't find draupadi they goes on entrance to ask kunti about draupadi. Suddenly they see there sister dushala.

Nakul called " Dushala".

Dushala look at them she hug nakul after that hug was joined by every pandavas all were having tears.

After that they broke hug.

Nakul ask"when we came where were you".

Dushala said"I was with bharta dushasan" .

All nodded. Dushala was trying best not to talk angrily with arjun she was angry but she didn't show it. Arjun find it that she is angry. Then maid came and said"maharaj ask your all presence at entrance ".

They all were going at entrance. Sahdev ask" By the way dushala who is samragi ".

Dushala said" See by your self bharta ".with tension look.

Pandavas didn't get it her reaction.

Pandavas with dushala reach at entrance.

Yudhishthir said"mata draupadi is not in palace".

Kunti ask" Then where she went ".

Pandavas gave don't know look.

Seeing pandavas bhishma face became little angry he just look at the entrance.

Suddenly drum start to beat as soon as subhadra get down from chariot pandavas and kunti gave shock look.

Subhadra try to be strong and she started to walk towards hastinapur palace. She don't know what will happen if she meet arjun. She had decided to ignore him. But she know she can't.

Draupadi follow her.

Subhadra was walking from stairs.

Arjun look at her.

She stand in front of gandhari

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She stand in front of gandhari. Gandhari did her aarthi gandhari was about to joint her hand when subhadra hug her. Gandhari smiled and hug her back.

Dushala came and said"pranipat samragi ".

Subhadra pout and hug her.

Subhadra take blessing from dhritarashtra, vidhur and bhishma.

Bhishma cares her hair. Subhadra take a deep breath and move towards kunti.

Kunti was feeling very sad for her dear daughter. Kunti look at subhadra. Subhadra manage to give her fake smile. Kunti hug her.

Subhadra didnt look at pandavas except bheem, nakul, sahdev.

Nakul hug his dear partner in crime.

Draupadi didnt get who is she why her husbands are showing her this much affection.

Seeing draupadi subhadra look confused because draupadi was looking at her with so much different look.

Till the time subhadra didnt see arjun as he was standing behind bheem so he was not visible.

Subhadra ask while look at draupadi"you didn't answer my question till now it's not good to ignore my question you may get punishment".

Draupadi said"I was not about to jump in water I was just standing there".

Subhadra said"ohh i thought you were leave it who are you".

Tension fill in air pandavas kunti dushala exchange glance.

Draupadi said"I am daughter of drupad i am wife of pandavas i am kulvadhu of kuruvansh i am panchal 's rajkumar panchali".

Subhadra eyes we not look at her now she manage to gave a smile.subhadra gather courage and look at her but her heart get collapse when she meet the pair of eyes which admired her always bit today it contained tears. When subhadra was about to loss her control a maid came and said"maharaj some people from hastinapur came to discuss some problem with you let's go maharaj".

Dhritarashtra nodded and said"come inside samragi ".

Subhadra nodded. She take her step when draupadi said" By the way who are you truly samragi ".

Subhadra stop and smile a little bit and turn back and said" I am protected of the aryavat my friends call me bhadra".

Draupadi smile at her subhadra returned it and left.

Everyone were little bit relax bit till now subhadra didnt meet arjun what will happen after they meet. With a positive hope they went inside.

To be continued

How was chapter?

Sorry for too late update.

What will subhadra condition after she meet arjun?

How will arjun pacify her?

Will subhadra forgive arjun?

Will draupadi get to know about arjun and subhadra relation ?

Please vote💛

Har radhakrishna💛💙
