New Best friend💖

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I am back my dear friends now I will write regular chapter.


The girl look like my age I smile seeing her. She is princess of hastinapur dushala. She too smile and went near kunti bua.

Kunti said"have can I forgot you".she kissed her cheecks .
Kunti said"see dushala she is you friends. "

Dushala said"pranipat princess. So come let have fun".
Subhadra said"yes come princess dushala we didn't have much time".
They hug each other.

Dushala said"come I will introduced you to my brothers".
Dushala with subhadra goes to kauravas she greeted and smiled they give evil smile.
Dushala said"come now meet you cousins ".
Subhadra nodded.

Dushala and subhadra reach there.
Subhadra greeted them and smiled.

Nakuk pass mischievous smile to bheem and sahdev.

Yuddister and bheem were talking with her. They were very impressed by her. After some time they both excuse and went to balram and krishna.

Nakul without realizing said"so you are my bhabhi ".after nakul realize said and said"I mean my sister".subhadra was not Satisfied but agree.
Subhadra said" Why you think that I am not capable to be your sister. "With sad face.

Sahdev said"what are you doing nakul you make my dear sister sad".
Nakul see his brother .

Dushala said" Shame of you bharta you make my best friend sad, sahdev go and call bharta bheem.
Sahdev was about to call.

Nakul said "stop how brother you are and slapped sahdev head. Expect nakul all three laugh.

Dushala ask" Bharta nakul where is bharta Arjun".

Subhadra look at nakul for reply, nakul understand it . Subhadra was impatiently waiting for answer she want to meet him see him but he is not there. Nakul see subhadra with mischievous smile.

Nakul put his one hand on subhadra shoulder and look at her and said"he went of of palace for some work when work will finished he will come. "

Subhadra face was about to became sad but hearing last lines she feel happy.

Subhadra said"so dushala show me your palace we will meet him after he came. "

Dushala said"yes we will meet him now come I will show you palace.
They went.

Sahdev said"she is so cute and beautiful and good hearted mature girl".

Nakul said"bharta Arjun is so lucky ".

Sahdev said"yes nakul you said correct".

Nakul said" Sahdev we respect her whole heartly and protect her from duryodhan ".

Sahdev said"offcourse she is going to become our bhabhi our bharta Arjun wife. "

They smiled mischievously and said" come let see what are they doing. "

To be continued..

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