arrival at hastinapur💖

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Next morning

Subhadra take blessing from everyone. Hug her bhabhi and all family members.

Balram said to soliders head"take care of her".

Solider said"yes maharaj".

Subhadra goes to krishna and hug him krishna peck her forehead and give her a box and said"give it parth".

Subhadra said "what it is bharta".

Krishna said" You will know after some time".

Now subhadra goes to nishanth and pradyuman and ulmuka and hug them.

She goes to her dau. She take his blessings he hug her kiss her forehead and said"come soon and take care ".

Subhadra hug her parents and she get in the chariot and start her journey.

In hastinapur.

The preparation of kalapradshan was almost done. All were waiting for arrival of princes.

Dushala said" Mata make kheer for bhadra you know na that she love it ".

Kunti said" Yes I will".

After one day,

All were waiting on entrance for arrival of dwarkaratna as soon as a chariot enter drum starts to play. Flowers started to shower all were happy because dwarkaratna has arrived.

Subhadra look at hastinapur and smiled. And move she take blessing from dhritarashtra he bless her then she take blessing from gandhari she too bles her and said"I can't see you but I know you look most beautiful in aryaavart".

Subhadra smiled. She take blessing from pitamha vidhur then she hug her sakhi and then goes near her bua.she touch her feet she bless her and hug her.

Kunti said"how are everyone in dwarka".

Subhadra said"all are fine how are you".

Kunti said "after seeing you I am too much fine you have become most beautiful bhadra".

Subhadra smiled and hug her.

They all move inside. Kunti said" Bhadra take rest".

Dushala take subhadra to her chamber they talked for sometime after that subhadra takes rest.

To be continued.

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