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All princes assembled in Hall. They were talking about raj abhishek.

Vidhur said"maharaj yuddister is the eldest his raj abhishek should held now".

All pandavas bhisma and karna smiled, but kauravas and shakuni were not happy.

Suddenly one voice came "no maharaj you can't make any one yuraj till the time they give me gurudakshena".

It is no other than guru dronacharya.

Dhritarashtra said"what gurudakshena you want guru drona".

Dronacharya said" I want my students to capavite king drupad and bring him alive in front of me".

Dhritarashtra said"what are you saying guru drona they just finished there education they didn't have face any war how can they fight with king drupad you too know how much powerful he is".

Dronacharya said"ok maharaj then you can't make any one yuraj because tell the time they didn't give me gurudakshena they are my students . "

Dronacharya said"I think I have teach cowerds who can't give gurudakshena to there guru. I will teach other student who can give me gurudakshena i fill shame that i teach cowerd ".

And he was leave the Hall angrily.

Arjun screamed" Gurudev i will bring king drupad in front of you alive".

Dronacharya turned.

Arjun said"If I can't bring king drupad alive towards you I will end my life".

Dronacharya said"I trust you you will bring king drupad alive".

Vidhur stand and said"let make it competition maharaj if Pandavas win then yuddister will yuvraj if your sons win then duryodhan will be yuvraj is it ok".

Dhritarashtra said "yes it's good idea".

Dronacharya said" Tomorrow you should leave for the war I will meet you all near panchal".

All nodded.dronacharya left.

The news went to all in palace. Subhadra was waiting for Arjun to come. She hear knock on her door she goes and open the door. She gets relaxed when she see Arjun.

Arjun came inside and hug her he were well know she must be tensed so he make her feel normal.

Arjun leave her said"don't be tensed dear ".

Subhadra said" I am not tensed because you are going for I am tensed because you are leave me for 2 days ".

Arjun smiled and said" In your heart I am always there dear".

Subhadra said"and in your heart I am always there"

Subhadra gave him a box which krishna gave her to give parth.Arjun look at the 5 stones carefully.

Arjun said"what it is"

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Arjun said"what it is".

Subhadra said"i dont know bharta tell me to give you but you take this with you in war may it help you".

Arjun said pulling her by waist"if my lady love wish then I will definitely take this".

Subhadra smiled and Arjun put her curls behind her ears and kiss her forehead.

Arjun look at her he was about to kiss her lips suddenly door knock.subhadra push him and went to open door and see nakul.

Nakul said"bhadra come to bharta yuddister room and did you see bharta Arjun".

Subhadra nodded. She showed Arjun.Nakul see Arjun also there he ask him"what are you doing here ".

Arjun said" more than you I have right to enter the chamber ".

Nakul said" That after marriage not before ".

Arjun said" Leave tell me why bharta is calling ".

Nakul said" Don't know you both just come to bharta room'.

Both nodded.

Nakul said"what is in the box bharta".

Arjun said"it is from dwaraka".

Nakul said"is it dwory".

Arjun said"nakulllll.... "

Nakul said"is it wrong to think like this".

Arjun said"you go we will come ".

Nakul left.subhadra turn to Arjun but Arjun kiss her and said" Come fast ".and left. Subhadra blush.

To be continued.

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