sneak out 💖

156 13 4

Next morning

Arjun meet subhadra after that all prince goes for war. Dushala goes with gandhari for some work. Subhadra feel bored so she decided to sneak out.

She changed her cloths and she went out of palace. Subhadra see children's playing subhadra joined them.

She was walking when she see karna he smiled and said"why did you came alone what about you safety".

Subhadra said"bharta karna i can protect my self I am discipline of Lord parshuram".

Karna said"ok lets go to my home meet vrushali".

Subhadra said"why not come let's go ".

Karna take subhadra too his home. Subhadra look at Karna house then she went inside.

Karna call out "mata pithashree vrushali"

They all come and ask"what happened ".

They all see a girl standing beside him.

Radhey ask" Who is she putra ".

Karna said"mata she is dwarkaratna sister of dwarikadhish Krishna and shriman balram daughter of devaki , rohini and vasudev, the pride of yadavas dwarkaratna subhadra and she is my sister too".

Vrushali said" I hear about you from him I was wishing you meet you ".

Subhadra said" I also want to meet you I hear lot about you from bharta karna".

She smiled. Radhey said"come let's have lunch.

They have happily lunch. Then subhadra spend sometime with them.

Subhadra said"bharta now I am leaving ".

Karna said" Ok bhadra come soon".

Subhadra nodded she take blessing and hug vrushali and karna and left. She reach near ganga.

Suddenly one voice reached towards subhadra ears. She see a small girl was there in basket and crying subhadra goes near her and see that snake has bite her. Suddenly the mother of the child came and said"what happened to my child".

Subhadra said"I don't know but when I came I see snake has bite her she is turning blue I can make her alright".

They mother said"ok please do fast."

Subhadra touch her leg where snake has bite she closed her eyes after sometime she removed her hand the baby was alright.

The mother of child hug her daughter and said"thank you so much".

Suddenly mother of child notice the bracelet which she gave to her friend the princess of dwarka. Means she is dwarkaratna.

The mother of child ask "are you dwarkaratna".

Subhadra said" Yes and what is your name".

The mother of child said"I am your sakhi Vrishni ".

Subhadra said" Vrishni when you get married and you have child too".

Vrishni said"two year ago I married and she is my daughter she is 1 year old you know what I named her".

Subhadra ask"what".

Vrishni said"chitra I named her chitra".

Subhadra said"so the name I introduce my self to you that name".

Vrishni nodded.

Subhadra said "nice name when she will grow up I will Definitely come to meet her".

Vrishni nodded and said" Come too my home".

Subhadra said"I will other time now I should go to palace ".

Vrishni said" Ok but definitely come".

Subhadra said"yess".

Vrishni said"you become beautiful chitra".

Subhadra smiled.

Subhadra hug vrishni and chitra then subhadra gave her a bracelet and said"I will be your friend to".

Vrishni smiled and they both goes to there home subhadra went to palace.

Subhadra goes to her chamber and wear her princess attire and goes to meet dushala.

Subhadra sees dushala and said"what are doing".

Dushala said"I was searching for you".

Subhadra said"I came let's go".

They went to hall. They all talk and laugh.

Suddenly a messanger came.

To be continued.

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