Deal between prankester 💖

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Dushala and subhadra had seen all palace now they goes to kitchen. Kunti was preparing kheer and ladoos. Kunti see both of them and said"come in".subhadra see most huge kitchen it was.

Subhadra said"mata it's so huge kitchen".

Kunti said "yes it should huge becauss our whole family food is made her that's why."

Dushala said while smelling ladoos "its so good smell mata".

Subhadra said" Of course it is made by our mata kunti.

Kunti said "oh dear " And kiss subhadra cheecks.
Kunti give two ladoos to them they goes out of kitchen.
Bheem take it and eat it.

Dushala said"bharta it was our ladoos of you want you should ask mata why you take our ladoos".angrily

Subhadra said"it's ok dushala let it be go to room".

Bheem said"dushala be like her. "

Dushala said"no subhadra i will not leavveee...... Subhadra drage her from there and goes to chamber.

Dushala said"why you bring me here".

Subhadra said" Because we will take revenge from him. "

Dushala ask"how dear".

Subhadra said"come with me in kitchen. "

They enter and sees there were only maid so they both entered. And ask maid to help them making ladoo stuff after sometime they said you go we will do maid nodded and left.

Subhadra add too much salt .

Dushala ask "why this much salt subhadra".
Subhadra said" To take revenge ".
Both smile . They add salt then they keep it in kitchen. Bheem came and smell he start to find ladoos than he find it , then subhadra and dushala hide behind pillar nakul and sahdev see and hide to see what are they doing.

Bheem eat ladoo and said" What happened to my ladoos it taste salty.

Nakul understand and comes near subhadra.

Subhadra goes to bheem and said"this is revenge bharta bheem for taking our ladoos. "
Dushala and subhadra high five.

Nakul said "are you trying to take my position sister".

Subhadra look confused.

Sahdev said" You know sister he is one of the most prankester in hastinapur. "
Nakul smiled with proud.

Subhadra said"then you will loss bharta nakul".

Nakul said"in your dreams ".

Subhadra said" If you are one of the most prankester of hastinapur than i am the one of the most prankester of dwarka and dwarkaratna never loss so you will loss bharta".

Nakul said"let's see".

Subhadra said"deal prince nakul".

Nakul said"deal dwarkaratna subhadra ".

Both smile and other are watching them.

To be continued...

Have any idea what is going to happen both prankester are ready with pranks let see

How was chapter?

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