019: Not a date 2

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My heels clicked against the ground, rhyming with every single beat of my heart as I walked right through the gate of my apartment. I glanced at the two sides of the road but instead of Kachi's BMW, I saw a white Range Rover a few blocks away, so I figured that must be him.

Pulling myself together, I made my way to his car. His car door was pushed open and as he emerged from it, his eyes were glued on me. As I inched closer, I noticed his intense gaze lick every inch of my body.

Quietly I heaved a deep sigh, shutting the anxiety that was growing in me. And halting in front of him, I put up a smile on my face.

"Hey," I said, but It was more like calling his attention back to my face since his eyes were on my body.

"You look stunning," he said. His expression was placid and I couldn't even read what was going through his mind.

"Thank you, you don't look bad either," I said as I eyed him from head down.  Everything he wore each time, looked like they were made for him. It wasn't different this time.

"Let me..." He started and then shut the car door and took two steps further, "Help you with the door." He finished and gestured that I walk to the other side, which I did and he followed behind.

It was a short distance but a very weird walk, I turned and smiled a few times, but each time I did, I caught a glimpse of him looking at my ass. Right at that moment, I debated if I made the right decision, picking the dress I had on. If only I knew what was going through his mind.

We got to the passenger's side, and he pulled the door open. I smiled and then followed a "thank you'' before I climbed into the car. He shut the door and back to the driver's side, I watched as he cranked his neck before he opened the car door and joined me.

"Where are we going?" I asked, strapping my seat belt on and he mirrored.

"It's a secret." He turned the car engine on and started reversing the car.

"As long as this is not going to turn into a kidnapping case," I shrugged and he looked in my direction. For the first time since the day, his face broke into a big grin.

"It's more like taking you where you might not like. I was supposed to go to this event with James, but he bailed at the last minute." Glancing in my direction a few times, he revealed that I was just filling up for James. I sat there looking at him, and the excitement I felt slowly faded. How was I supposed to feel about this? "But it's a good thing he bailed since this will help us get to know each other, right?"

Right? Was he asking me that or what? With no reply to give him, I couldn't help but think about how I was only a substitute and for some reason, that hurt my heart.

I slowly looked out the window, giving my attention to the tall buildings and people on the road as we drove by. I tried not to think too much about being a substitute for James, but I wished it was that simple. I wondered why he didn't keep that information to himself, what was his aim for telling me that?

"Are you okay?"

His question broke me out of my thoughts. 

I turned my face to him and nodded, yes. If only I could open my mouth, and yell that I wasn't. I wasn't okay after I found out that I dressed up to be a replacement, but I decided to keep my cool, I might still enjoy the day.

"So where is this place that, you are supposed to go with James and not me," I dragged, causing him to look in my direction.

It was quiet for a minute before his words broke through the air. "We are almost there, so you will find out soon."

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