029: Unexpected apology

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"Thank you for taking good care of her," she glanced at Kaima, who had finally settled down, with her attention back on TV.

I and Vera were seated at the dining table, and she seemed chill, calm and collected. Maybe nearing death and surviving did that to her, I had no idea. The Vera that was seated next to me was not the same person I had encountered for the past two years, she seemed more like the Vera I knew, the first year we were getting to know each other.

"Vera---" I started

"I'm sorry, Kachi." She interrupted, settling her pleading eyes in mine. "I'm sorry for how I had always..." She sighed and I, on the other hand, couldn't believe what I was hearing. Vera was apologising to me. For what exactly though? For shattering my heart or for putting me through a hard time for the past two years, denying me access to Kaima. "I'm sorry for everything... For everything I did to you. I know that I have done enough harm than good." She said, placing her right hand on top of mine, which was resting on the dining table. I was too shocked to pull my hand away. What was going on? This wasn't what I expected.

I sighed. "Vera--" her name lowly escaped my mouth.

"I don't expect you to accept my apology now, but moving forward I would want Kaima," she glanced at her and then back to me. "To spend more time with you," she added. That was great but that wasn't what I wanted us to talk about. "Look at how happy she is--"

"Vera," I interrupted and she quieted down. "Why did you do it?" I asked, eyes steady in hers. And that triggered tears, which slowly coated her eyes. "I don't know what you have been going through, because you never gave me an answer each time, I asked but I just want you to know that if you need help, I am--"

"I'm fine," she sniffled with her eyes dancing around the place. I watched her quietly as she struggled to hold back the tears, that threatened to roll down her cheek.

"Hey... We may not have been on good terms, but I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you, especially with Kaima being in the picture." I said. Even though I didn't know if she was acting or real, it felt nice to be able to have a decent conversation with her in a long time. "One doesn't just need to be physically or financially stable to raise a child, mental stability is also important and I will always be here to help," I added. I studied the emotions that displayed on her face, and when I caught the brief smile that played on her lips, I only hoped she was sincere. I didn't know what had gotten into her but this was needed, I supposed.

I went on and relayed what Kaima's teacher said to me, and I urged her to get help so we would be able to raise a cheerful child.

There was a few seconds of silence before she spoke up again, "Thank you for everything, for checking up on me and for the money--"

"Don't mention," I said and she smiled.

Her smile used to be the most beautiful one I had ever seen, but right now, it only made me miss the smile of a certain person who had not replied to my text. The tears in her eyes had dried up and as she rose to her feet, I did the same.

"I will be leaving now, I still need to get some rest." She said and I nodded.

There was nothing to talk about anymore except for one more thing, which I wanted to say but didn't want to seem overly curious. I went on and said it anyway.

Before she could step away, I shoved my hand into my grey jogger's pocket and asked, "Can you please stop seeing that man? At least do it for Kaima?" Of course, she understood what I meant.

She paused and glanced at me. "I wasn't planning to anymore."

I nodded at her, "Good." I watched her walk towards Kaima and sat down beside her, smiling.

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