022: Shopping with bestfriend

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Glancing through the skincare section at the supermarket, I rolled the shopping trolley behind my best friend, Geraldine. I paused, stretched to my toes, reaching my favourite facial cream, which I dropped inside the shopping cart. I hadn't picked a thing when I was at the baby food section with Gee earlier, but here I was just ten minutes in and my cart was already looking halfway full. I continued to roll behind her.

"I still can't believe that today is Friday," Gee, glanced over her shoulder, directing her words to me. She had repeated this line for like... I already lost count. She had been singing this ever since we were at the beauty shop, for manicures and pedicures.

Even though I felt the same way, since the week had flown by, I still forced myself to believe it anyway. Moreover, it said it was Friday on the calendar.

"And to think that I have to start work on Monday," she added as she paused in her track, her eyes racking through the facial cream section. I rolled my shopping cart to her side.

Geraldine was going to start work next week, and that was a bother to her. I, on the other hand, was going to meet Kachi's family just in two days. Each time I thought about that, nervousness growled in my stomach.

And to think that I and Kachi had not even spoken ever since the gallery.

"I can't believe I am meeting his mom in just two days," I huffed, watching her struggle as she tried to grab another brand of facial cream, from the top section. I would have helped her but for some reason I don't know, watching her struggle to get the product was very satisfying to me.

When she finally grabbed the product, she wheezed and threw it into the cartwheel. "And you guys haven't still spoken since then?" She turned to me, none of us bothered to push our cart. "Do you think that maybe, he is avoiding you because of what happened at the gallery?" She asked and I scoffed.

"He doesn't even seem bothered about it on that day," I said as the thought of his nonchalant attitude to the girl, at the gallery slipped into my mind.

Was he cutting me off just like he did her?

"Well, I don't know anymore," Gee said, wrapping her hand around the shopping cart handle.

"Whatever... All I have to do is, go see his mom and play my part," I started pushing my shopping cart and Gee followed. Side by side, we rolled the cart to the dairy section. "I only hope his mom won't see through our lie, you know that I'm not good at either acting or lying," I added and then paused. "What if she straight up doesn't like me, Gee?" I pouted and turned my face to her.

"She will but does that matter? This isn't even real or have you forgotten?" Gee's words came like a sword, piercing through my heart. why did that hurt? Was it because I was worried over nothing or, the fact that the relationship wasn't real? I wondered.

"Just go with him, play cool and act like you would, if y'all were a real couple. Do you remember how lovey-dovey you were with Kelvin? Do happy couple stuff with him in the presence of his mother." She finished. I grabbed three packs of Nasco cornflask and threw them into the cart, then two packs of Golden Morn. Gee moved closer to the section and started grabbing everything she needed.

Gee, mentioning Kelvin reminded me that I had not seen him, ever since my brother threw a punch at him. A well-deserved punch at that. Maybe that would make him stay away for real. And after I play my part with Kachi, we would have to end whatever this was, before I get my heart in trouble.

"You're right, Gee. I shouldn't worry about anything." I waved the thought off, focusing on our shopping and time together.

It wasn't long before we moved from the diary section, down to the groceries, which was in a whole different open space, and also closer to the cashier and exit.

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