028: Hate and disgust

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It wasn't supposed to be a staring contest but, it was all we had been doing for the past five minutes.

After Kelvin had made an abrupt confession that shocked the hell out of me, something I wasn't expecting or had I imagined. I decided that we find a quiet place and talk.

Not in my house, of course.

Since I wouldn't want him in my personal space, we decided to talk in a fast food joint, which was very close to where I lived. And here, we were seated just by the window, opposite each other and with two bottles of water, placed on the table in front of us. It was quiet in here and that was because only a few tables were occupied.



We said simultaneously and silence fell through.

I sighed, "You can," I gestured.

"No... I mean, you can go on first and Pearl, thank you for accepting to have this conversation with me." He said, his dark brown eyes quivering as he struggled to make eye contact with me.

Watching him talk, had my memory darting back to three years ago when I had advised him, not to leave the country. I was only hoping that he stayed back so we could maybe get married, and grow a family of ours. But he insisted, talking about how he was going to make it over there and had a friend, who was ready to help.

Again, I sighed, "So what do you mean by you were locked up?" I asked, and he released a heavy sigh.

"First of all," he started, his eyes darted around and then, rested back on me. "I'm sorry for everything, for not listening to you and destroying what we..." he paused and then added "had." I watched him swallow a lump, as though he had struggled to pronounce the last word. I was angry, angry at Kelvin but right at this moment, I needed him to go into detail and tell me everything that happened. "Can you find a place in your heart and forgive me?" He pleaded, his gaze growing apologetically intense.

It was already three years since we broke up and, I still had days it was hard to believe that we were not a couple anymore, and this day was one of them. Maybe, it was because of his pleading eyes because all I could think of was our time together. The deep love we shared, and how far we did come together. All that he destroyed by himself.

"I don't..." I paused, and my gaze danced around, then back to him. "I don't know if there would be any need for--"

"No please," he leaned in, placing his right hand on the table. The tips of his fingers brushed against mine, and slowly, I drifted my left hand from the table. "I did you wrong and I hope you forgive me, so we can go back..." He paused and then released another sigh. "I mean, I respect the fact that you're in a relationship now." I inwardly sighed, his words reminding me of Kachi.

I wondered how he was feeling after what he put me through today.

"All I'm trying to say is that we can be friends or at least, you wouldn't be so mad each time you see me around. Maybe we can start afresh and build a friendship." He said and I scoffed, lowly.

I mean I feel a little pity for him, but wouldn't want to build any friendship with him. I was still mad at him, and I would want it to stay at that.

"You don't just expect me to give you an answer right here, do you?" I studied his face and he slightly shook his head, no.

"But consider it at least." He added and I said nothing but stare at him.

"What happened after you left the country?" I asked again. Finding out why he was locked up was the only reason I was here, so enough of the forgiveness chat.

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