039: Pain and disappointment

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I veered my face to the side, a scowl possessing it. I loosened her arms and tugged her body away from mine, without uttering a word to her, I started walking in the direction of the door.

Vera was out of her damn mind.

"If you walk out of that door right now, Kachi..." She started and I continued my steps, paying no attention to her. "Don't ever come back for me."

A silent scoff escaped me. Such delusion.

I was about to pull the door open, when her next words came like a sword, piercing my soul.

"I will make sure you never see Kaima again." She spat, causing my whole body to come to a halt.

My hand slowly left the door knob and I swivelled in her direction, anger boiling up in me. My feet hit the ground, Vera just irked an already-healed wound.

"Yes, I will stop taking your money and raise her alone." She folded her arms across her chest, scowling at me. So much for someone who was crying a few seconds ago. "If you want to father a child so bad, why don't you go make one with your new girl."

My fingers balled to a fist, with my nails digging into my skin. My chest heaved up and down heavily, "If you dare... I will make sure I take her away from you forever." I spat my threats out, edging them continuously with deep breaths. 

"You can't take a child that is not yours--"

"Enough Vera, enough!" I growled, stomping closer and closer to her. "Don't do this," I breathed heavily, feeling my chest tighten as I finally came to a halt in front of her.

It felt like my heart had been torn apart.

"Whose name is on her birth certificate?" I asked but got no reply from her because we both knew the answer.  "I will never allow you to ruin my relationship with my daughter, just because you ruined ours. If you want to take me up on that fight then, make sure to get the best lawyers." I finished and started walking out of her apartment, without sparing her another glance. 

"I am going to ruin you, Kachi. I am going to ruin everything you've worked hard for." Her words came like a bullet but I slammed the door before they could poke holes into my already heavy heart.

You can try... I mentally said, leaving the apartment building.

Back to my car, I growled loudly, hitting the steering wheel as my brain forcefully took me down memory lane, the day I found out that Kaima wasn't my biological child.

Vera had presented the DNA test result, just to spite me for insisting on not taking her back, after I found out she had cheated on me. The huge pain I had buried deep away from my heart, gradually made its way back to my heart.

My balled hand on the steering wheel, trembled as the fear of losing Kaima once again surged in me.  The connection we built and the time we spent together, came like adrenaline rushing into my brain.

I was the only father she knew, and that made me wonder why Vera always threatened to do this. Did she not know, that she would be punishing the little girl more? 

I flattened my palm on the car wheel, taking continuous deep breaths in an attempt to calm my emotions down. I had vowed never to let Vera break me down again, no matter how much she said or did things to hurt me. 

A few seconds later, I ignited my car engine and drove out of the estate. Set into the road, I drove to the only place I knew, I would get comfort.

To Pearl's.

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