020: Not a date 3

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My eyelids parted and I felt Kachi's body, slightly move away from mine but thankfully, his arms were still wrapped around my waist. Even though they were looser, around it, it was still a big deal to me and currently, our attention was on the lady, who called out to him earlier.

I wanted to see his face, I wanted to see the expression on it but I didn't want to move. The fear that his arms might leave my waist at any slight movement caused me to stand still. I waited for him to say something.

"Don't tell me that you don't remember me," her face dropped to a light frown but she was still beautiful. Even though she interrupted our little moment, I was still going to give her some credit for her good looks.

"I... Am I supposed to?" He asked.

Right, that reply did not surprise me one bit.

"It's me, Cynthia." She said, smiling.

"The name doesn't ring a bell," he replied, immediately and the smile on Cynthia's face faded into a light frown.

Right at this moment, I wanted nothing but to see his face, the smirk that would be dancing at the edge of his lips. The same smirk he always had on, each time he was rude to me. Or maybe he could be frowning.

His reply reminded me of the Kachi I knew, the one with me, a few minutes ago felt like a different person. The thought of that made me loosen, his grip around my waist.

I reminded myself that this was who he was, rude! And it wasn't just to me anymore since I was witnessing one of his rude moments, right now.

"We had a good time together, how can you forget that?" Cynthia rolled her eyes at him. I looked at him and my eyes met the irritable look on his face. "And why did you stop calling?" she asked, moving some steps closer to him.

I felt a line form between my brows as I wondered what she was getting at, with the unnecessary information. Why was she moving closer to him? Before I could stop myself, I moved beside him and placed my hand into his large palm. 

"Why did you stop picking up my calls?" Her words trailed off and my grip tightened around his hand. "I can call you now so that you can, maybe--"

He pulled his hand away from mine, causing Cynthia to pause in her words, her attention darted to his arm that he curled around my waist.

A faint smile broke through my face and I turned my face away, I tried to hide my satisfactory grin from both of them. Kachi's eyes remained on her but he didn't bother to utter a word. Being a smart ass, she read the room and retraced her steps.

"I will see you around." She muttered before walking away from us.

"Sorry about that," Kachi turned to me, and his arm drew away from my waist.

I gave him a hard look as I wondered why on earth he was apologising to me. I wasn't even his girlfriend, so an apology was not needed.

"Nothing to apologise for," I said. I tried to avoid asking anything about her but the urge to ask grew harder. "Do you know her?"

"It seems like I was supposed to but I can't remember," he said, nonchalantly. I couldn't help but wonder how bad the girl must have felt.

"But you guys shared a moment, possibly slept together."

His lips curved in a smirk, "That doesn't make her important." He said, shoving his hand into his pocket. "Are you hungry? Because I am." He glanced around the place before his eyes pinned back on me.

"Erm... Yes?"

"Not sure?" He smiled

"Do you have a place in mind?"

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