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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 5: Old ways


"It's like 60 degrees out here, and you have me out walking when I could be laying in my heat filled home

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"It's like 60 degrees out here, and you have me out walking when I could be laying in my heat filled home." Amerie complained as her right hand gently caressed her baby bump that sat under his large hoodie. "As if I'm not trying to hide this 7 month belly, it's going to be obvious Syre. I can't get on any rides or anything."  She looked up at him in annoyance with the closer they got the fair entrance.

Raising an eyebrow, Syre stared down at her as he blew the smoke that filled his mouth off to the side. "You done?" 

Knitting her eyebrows together, Amerie pulled her hand away to accompany her other one along her lower back. She sped up as best as she could, walking between the space they made with Xyden who led the way towards the entrance excitedly.

"Amerie, you can't move that fast mama. I ain't too far behind you!" His voice called out, making her roll her eyes in annoyance. But she ignored him, focusing her attention down on Xyden with the closer they got towards the entrance. Her eyes scanned around the busy area until spotting Isaiah who stood over by a different entrance a little ways away from everyone else.

"Come Xy, this way." She held her hand out towards the little boy who abruptly stopped. He looked up at her face, then down at her hand repeatedly, until hesitantly taking it with a small smile.

She couldn't shake the warmth in her chest that occurred any time she shared an interaction with him. She cared about whether his son liked her or not, because no matter what, they all had the rest of their lives together. She had no intention on building any type of relationship with the little boy's mother, but she felt it'd be important for them to one day be cordial at the very least. Simply for the sake of their children.

"You ever been to the fair?" She asked, tightening her grip on his hand a little more from all the bodies that surrounded them.

Looking up, Xyden looked between her and the entrance repeatedly until eventually nodding. "Mommy bring me." He smiled, making Amerie slowly nod.

She smiled small as they approached Isaiah who held his arm out to give her a side hug, and a little fist bump to Xyden.

"Y'all just always got to be the last ones huh?" He took a step back to allow the two inside the gate, with Syre, who grabbed the top to pull open, right behind him. "If y'all ain't have the kid with y'all, I would've suspected y'all was in the car acting grown and shit." He shook his head while he dapped up Syre who allowed the gate to swing shut behind him.

"We was acting grown all day, you should've known this though." He chuckled, following behind the three of them with his arms dangled over Amerie's shoulders from behind. "She so pretty, it's a lil hard to do anything but that." He muttered into her cheek before pressing a gentle kiss into her face, not ignoring the blush that heated up her melanin features.

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