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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 8: Letter to him


Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 June 10th, 11:11 am

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Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚
June 10th, 11:11 am


The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth as her teeth sunk down into the skin of her lower lip hard, breaking the barrier to dig deep into her flesh. Her parted lips hissed out the indication of pain, as her body planted itself in front of the glass reflection in front of her.

Her eyes couldn't come off of the bluish-purple mixture of bruising that scattered wildly along her ribcage; almost disguising the 4 names of love that sat in that same area. Her features balled up as she secured the last of the wrap along her smaller frame, the tightness of the wrap allowing her baggy shirt to fall with her arms that lowered down to her sides.

"Mamaaaa!" The loud voice of the other occupant in the house sang, being without view of her mother for much longer than she'd like.

Releasing the breath she didn't realize she held, Amerie's lips parted once more to exhale the pain she'd just put her body through as her eyes lowered down towards the neat countertop. She blinked wildly without an expression to her face or an emotion to run through her head, no reaction to the two white capsules that sat along the edge of the sink for her.

Clearing her throat, she blinked back up towards the mirror to watch the reflection that watched her. Her clothes nearly falling off from how much weight she'd lost reluctantly, her face powdered makeup in any attempt to disguise the bruising that made her insides sick. She couldn't bare any longer than 3 seconds maximum, her body moving ahead of her mind to quickly grab the pills to swallow dry and move away from the mirror.

She quickly dusted off the countertop, before washing her hands to refrain from touching her child with the residue of drugs on her. Those same drugs she promised herself she'd stray away from when out, the same capsules she promised she'd never be selfish enough to intake around her daughter. Yet there she was, using the excuse of needing relief for her dreaded pain.


"I'm right here, baby." She smiled out as soon as the bathroom door swung open to reveal herself to the dressed up little girl. Her curls bounced with her head that shot up towards her mother anxiously.

But she barely spared her a glance, instead she pointed towards the TV where her YouTube video ended. "Fix."

Shaking her head, Amerie couldn't help but to smile as she grabbed the remote to cut the TV off. "We're leaving now anyways, come on." She held her hand extended as she grabbed her already packed purse to hang over her shoulder.

Her eyes scanned the room to make sure she had everything, before feeling the small hand latch onto hers. She naturally smiled at the feeling as she looked down to make sure her daughter was still put together in her Dior summer dress and white Dior sandals, with her small baby Dior shades.

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