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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 21: GTA

Nigga, you know I know
My life grand theft auto
All my guns on semi-auto
Look like I hit the lotto'


Nigga, you know I knowMy life grand theft autoAll my guns on semi-autoLook like I hit the lotto' Omniscient

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Syre sat in his car impatiently, his leg bouncing just staring out the window from where he sat in his car. He watched his 8 month pregnant girlfriend speak with a homeless person laid up against an abandoned building, someone he was very familiar with himself. The longer he watched the scene unfold, the more agitated his body began to feel seeing how manipulative the people he served drugs to knew how to be.

He was very familiar with the drug addicts who lived around Compton specifically, because most were people who were around as he was growing up. They were people who he watched deteriorate their lives by choice, simply because they refused to find another outlet. It was why he paid them no mind when he went up there, because to unfamiliar faces, they always had a sob story that went completely against the truth in why they ended up in the situations they did.

He told Amerie time and time again to just ignore them, they only begged for money to have some more funds to buy more drugs and fuck themselves up even more. He knew he couldn't be too upset when the drug supply came directly from him, but it was the lies they fed to innocent people that aggravated him. And his girlfriend choosing not to listen and fall victim to it, aggravated him even more.

He watched as Amerie handed the woman a $20 bill, before finally turning to waddle towards the running jeep. One of his security followed close behind her until they reached the car, the man pulling the door open to help Amerie in the high vehicle.

"Thank you" She smiled small, just as she pulled her seat belt over her body while the door swung closed.

Syre barely allowed her to get situated, before he was roughly speeding out from the dark street and onto the main road. Knitting her eyebrows together in confusion, Amerie's eyes cut over towards her boyfriend who clearly had an attitude still, as he'd had one with her all day.

"What is wrong with you? Like honestly, because it's getting annoying." Her arms folded just above her belly to watch her boyfriend through the street lights that hit against his face.

The tone of voice she used didn't go unnoticed, showing her own anger and annoyance she held towards him. "You give a lot to motherfuckers who wouldn't even think to do the same for you, I don't like that shit." Syre mumbled, never taking his eyes off of the road ahead to merge onto the highway.

Amerie's face twisted up naturally at the tone he now used with her, expressing his strong disdain towards the things she did. She never understood why he always felt so strongly when she offered up her niceness to those she had the means to give it to, whether they were what he deemed to be deserving or not, she felt in her heart they were, so that's what she gave.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now