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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 27: Closure

Better to let go, oh
I gotta let it close
When one door opens
For my peace of mind
Let it go, oh
I gotta say it's over
Get that closurе
For my peace of mind


Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 October 17th, 9:18 pm

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Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚
October 17th, 9:18 pm


Her platform heels dug into the warm sand below her feet, eyes watching the indent her heels made into the minerals that sat just before the water where the waves crashed along. She sat in her lonesome, but she could hear his footsteps that approached from behind. She didn't need to turn around to know it was him, because she'd memorized his footstep pattern long ago.

Her heart fell with the closer the footsteps through the sand grew, until his presence formed right behind her. Taking a deep breath, Amerie stood to her feet to turn and be faced with the man she'd been waiting to see. He stood before her with a big bouquet of white roses, which he knew to be her favorite.

"These for you." He held them out for her to take, with a small smile gracing her lip gloss stained lips.

"Thank you." She nodded, while bringing her eyes back to once more take in his attire. He seemed comfortable, yet still clearly dressed with the intention of getting her eyes lingering on him.  Everything was groomed perfectly and he smelled amazing, as he always did.

"You look gorgeous, by the way." He complimented, raking his eyes up and down her body that was barely clothed.

"Thank you, I feel like if I look good then if the conversation goes bad I wouldn't feel as terrible so." She shrugged, glancing down to adjust her bra-like top.

They were supposed to have their conversation in the facility, during daytime around noon. But Amerie nearly begged for Angela to find a way for her to have the conversation with him at night, on the beach, with just them. The beach calmed them both, it was where they both went for peace and serenity. And Amerie always felt like night time just provided a much better, and calming atmosphere that they could benefit from.

"We the only ones out here or sum? Where the people who usually follow you around and shit?" Syre asked as he lowered himself down onto the blanket she had spread for them.

"Well, I found a way for it to just be us. Angela pulled off as soon as you came, and if we're not at each others throat by the end of this, she said you can drop me back. It's just us out here." She looked around at the quiet beach that really did only occupy the two of them. "I want this to be as peaceful and calm as possible." She looked to Syre who slowly nodded.

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