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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 13: Too Deep

Less conversation,
more confrontation
Imma catch a case,
no exoneration


"This place is so gorgeous, I don't want to leave

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"This place is so gorgeous, I don't want to leave." Amerie's bottom lip hung as she stood along the hot sand her feet buried into, her eyes staring out into the crashing waves in front of the sunset.

She smiled feeling his arms wrap around her from behind, his lips pressing a soft kiss into the back of her neck to stare out at what she did. Only they stood on the private beach that came with their exclusive stay in Hawaii, Syre making sure everything was private and peaceful so his girlfriend could spend the last month of her pregnancy in pure tranquility.

He didn't care that this was supposed to be a trip for him, he cared more about her. It wasn't like they could really do any activities because she was pregnant, so they stuck to allowing this to be a much needed vacation for them both. And a time for them to spend together completely away from everyone, and everything else.

"You look so pretty in this bikini, this new?" He took a step back to admire her from behind, before grabbing her hand to spin her around slowly. His eyes drunk in every inch of her, finding her to be so beautiful like this.

"I don't know how the hell you find me pretty with this big ass belly, but okay." She folded her arms just above her stomach once he released her hand.

Raising an eyebrow, Syre looked at her oddly before shaking his head. "You still don't get it." He chuckled to himself, just allowing his eyes to run all along her body until stopping back on her face.

The look she gave him showed her confusion, not understanding what it was she 'didn't get' when she always had insecurities. He reassured her, but it was never enough before she got pregnant, so once getting pregnant it definitely wasn't enough.

"What don't I get? I'm carrying this pregnancy all in my face, I look so swollen and- ugh, oh my God." She cringed as she turned to walk closer towards the water, not wanting him to see her face anymore. But his outstretched hand quickly stopped her in her tracks before she could get too far. "Baby-."

"Nah, c'mere" He nudged his head towards the stairs that led back up towards the mansion they stayed in. Throwing her head back to exhale a dramatic huff, Amerie reluctantly dragged her feet to follow behind her boyfriend up towards the home.

She naturally moved slow due to the state she was in, but she purposely lagged even more behind because she didn't feel like doing this with him. He always went on tangents when she expressed her insecurities, and it never made her feel any prettier. She appreciated his efforts and how much he did try, but just repeating and telling her that she was beautiful didn't make her believe it any more than what she didn't.

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