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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 10: Pray you catch me

Nothing else ever seems to hurt like the smile on your face,
When it's only in my memory, it don't
hit me quite the same


Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 June 18th, 11:11 am

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Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚
June 18th, 11:11 am


"How many bows you want pretty girl?" She smiled down at Malani who sat on the bed between her legs. She gripped onto her crayon as her head leant up towards the ceiling in a thinking manner.

"2...pwease." She mumbled, placing her attention back down on her Barbie coloring book.

Nodding, Amerie pressed a gentle kiss against the top of her head before leaning over to grab 2 of her 6 pink bows. She clipped one along each one of her pigtails that puffed up with her kinky coils, setting them to perfection atop her daughters head.

She made it a promise to herself to strictly handle her natural hair until she was at least a teenager. She refused to allow the box braids, the weave and everything else because she just wanted her to learn to love herself. She wanted Malani to fall in love with solely herself because she couldn't do it, she never knew what that felt like to this day. 27 years into her life.

The reassurance came every single day for her, the "I love you's' never stopped nor slowed down. She couldn't go even a full hour without calling her baby either beautiful, or giving her some form of affection.

"Alright baby." Amerie tapped her, watching her immediately jump up to rush towards the full length mirror along the opposite wall of the bed.

This was her routine no matter the day or time. Whenever she put on a new outfit, even if it was pajamas, she had to analyze herself in the mirror to make sure she liked it. If it wasn't up to "her standards," Amerie let her take off and change whatever she wasn't trying to keep on.

"Pwettyyyy." She grinned, before turning back to rush back up towards her mother, straight into her legs. "Mama!" She quickly bounced back with her eyebrows knitted, and once feeling the hardness of Amerie's knees.

"You ran into me princess." She laughed, running her hand along Malani's forehead soothingly before reaching back to grab the cocoa butter along the dresser. "My little chocolate bean, you don't have a clue how much I love you." She sighed, pressing a gentle kiss into Malani's forehead as she massaged in the thick yellow cream along her daughter's face.

The scent mixed in with her Carol's daughter hair products that defined her curls. Amerie took a couple steps back with her phone extended out to take a couple pictures, until the notification appeared that a visitor arrived downstairs. She quickly accepted for the person to come up, before holding her hand out to Malani.

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