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Disclaimer/Trigger warning: Please just keep in mind all that they've both been through since the very beginning, both individually and together. You may not agree with everything and I love to hear y'all opinions, but please just understand their pasts contribute to a lot and it will show heavily in this chapter and more to come. This is just to reiterate the TW I made a couple chapters ago <3.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 16: Love without tragedy

You used to be this boy I loved
And I used to be this girl of your dreams
Who knew the course of this one drive
Injured us fatally


"Are you done acting like a fucking asshole, or are you speaking to me now?" Amerie's voice sounded, to break the silence and solitude Syre sat in

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"Are you done acting like a fucking asshole, or are you speaking to me now?" Amerie's voice sounded, to break the silence and solitude Syre sat in.

Her voice was heard, and presence was known on the quiet balcony he sat in his lonesome, but he didn't spare her a glance. His eyes instead stayed trained down on the money that danced through the counter, his eyes shifting between the green bills and the numbers that quickly increased.

Amerie huffed out in frustration, still being ignored as she boosted her body from where she stood leant up against the doorframe of the balcony connected to his bedroom. The breeze from outside forced goosebumps along her exposed skin, only clothed by her bra and panties as a result of her allowing him to take her body. But she stepped out anyways, covering herself with the lace robe she had to get closer to him.

"Syre you're acting like because I don't want a relationship, this doesn't have to change shit between us. I've been clear with you since day 1 that I don't want a relationship, always made that clear and never led you on to believe any different. So what's the point in acting this way?" Her eyebrows knitted together, both in confusion and frustration, because she didn't feel like his reactions were justified.

She stood directly in front of him, right on the other side of the ottoman he rested his money and notepad on. She knew he seen her, yet his eyes still remained on the money he placed to the side as he wrote something down on the notepad.

"Cause you don't got no valid reason, you tell me shit like you got feelings and all that-."

"Yes, I have feelings for you. And that's the main reason why I don't take things there with you, I don't want to mess up what we have going on now." She lowered her body along the couch directly across from him, finally getting his eyes to raise and lock in on hers. "Can you please just listen to me, I don't want to be fighting with you." She sighed out, eyes nearly pleading for him to just listen.

Running his tongue over his lips slowly, Syre's body leant back into the couch he sat on. "Talk." He spoke bluntly, bringing his blunt up to rest between his slightly parted lips.

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