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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 34: Pray for you

But never will I ever not wish you well
Though we're not together, God bless you still
It's gonna get better, I know it will
Just hope you know, I still
I'll pray for you, I'll pray for you


Amerie latched onto Syre's hand tightly as he led the way towards the back entryway of the club

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Amerie latched onto Syre's hand tightly as he led the way towards the back entryway of the club. Her eyes looked around the area, taking note of the different men they passed all dressed in black. In front of them walked two, while two others walked behind.

He made it very clear constantly that he only moved with so much security when with her. It didn't make sense any other time, considering it only drew attention and he was no celebrity. And beyond that, he could take care of himself. But if anything were to pop off, he'd rather have the people around him taking care of all that so he could advert his attention primarily on Amerie.

"Who all in there?" She heard his low voice ask the bouncer that stood to the back of the club, specifically for him and his people.

"No reds." Was all he said as his eyes slowly trailed over to Amerie who uncomfortably pulled down her dress being surrounded by so many men. "This you?" He nodded towards Amerie, making Syre respond in just the simplest of a nod to confirm the obvious.

She followed his lead past the men as soon as the door opened, greeting them with the loudness of the blasting music upon entering into the packed club.

Amerie's eyes stayed down the entire way, that's the way she learned and found to be more comfortable from him. It was easier to not look up towards all the men who stared at her like a piece of meat, and the women who looked with the complete opposite of such. Because not only was she clearly on the hand of a man who was known to all, she was a stripper. One who worked at the same exact club they entered.

She was well aware of the dramatic shock from those who acted as if she wasn't human, just because she danced half naked on a pole. And seeing her outside of that, in that setting, caused thoughts from many who hadn't failed to show such.

"Lock this bitch off, nobody up or down." Syre spoke to the bouncer who stood by the steps that lead to the balcony of the club.

Amerie glanced up towards the man whom she known, giving him a small smile that he returned once nodding. She shot him a tiny wave as she followed Syre up the stairs until they finally reached the balcony.

His body hugged up on hers from behind, from where they stood over the balcony. She couldn't help the small smile that graced her lips at the feel of his own imprinting repeated kisses into her neck, his own way of apologizing for the attitude he'd had with her all day. Which in turn led to an argument in the car, which seemed to be a little constant with them.

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