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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 36: Broken Clocks

Been about three years since I dated you,
Why you still talking bout me like we together


His car sped through the streets of Compton, tunnel vision from his focus that kept forward

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His car sped through the streets of Compton, tunnel vision from his focus that kept forward. One arm hung out of the drivers side of the car, while the other stayed on the steering wheel.

He sprayed the streets of 2:30 am. He didn't look considering he targeted a specific block, one where no innocent women or children should have been. And if they were, it would only mean whoever they came with didn't value their lives, so why should he?

His mind, sober, yet intoxicated with a certain need. He was so zoned out, yet tapped into exactly what he was doing. Every attempt to run that he shot down sent an exhilarating feeling through his body, one that increased his urge to just do more.

Nothing but Amerie's horrified face filled his mind, and that was enough to not stop. It was enough for him to mark his territory on one that wasn't his own, only fueling the brewing fire between the two opposing sides.

Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚
November 21st, 10:29 am


He stared at her silently, head down but those low red eyes stared over at her. His silence made her feel small, only increasing the nerves she'd felt for the past hours. She couldn't drive, didn't say much, but neither did he. Instead, on a sobered up mind, he took over the car to drive them towards a building she'd never been to.

He promised himself to never allow her back in when it came to his business, made a mental note of such because that trust never rebuilt. But his mind was so far gone from that in the moment, it was the last of his possible worries. His main concern really wasn't even her, it was his daughter. And regardless of the fact that Amerie's current address went unknown, it was an issue enough that her previous address was.

"How do you feel? Mentally?" He finally asked, his low voice cutting the tension in the dimly lit room.

Amerie's palms ran down her thighs as her leg bounced, "Um...fine, I guess. I've seen their dead bodies before but, this was different. I'm just nervous for if they know where my child and I lay our heads-."

"Don't worry bout that." He leant back in his chair, keeping his eyes fixated on hers intently. Almost as if he was trying to read her and her intentions, regardless of the fact he didn't believe she had anything to do with anything that was happening. "As long as you tell me anything and everything, we good." He mumbled, watching the way her nose wrinkled up as she sat forward.

"I would feel more comfortable if you tell me what the fuck is going on rather than beating around the bush and not saying shit. We have our daughter equally, and having one parent who knows what's happening and another who doesn't is irresponsible." She eyed him.

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