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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 25: Gone

It's all gone
The peace and the romancin', it's all gone
Think it was long lasting, it's all gone
Blink, it was so fast and it's all gone
It's all gone


Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 October 12th, 1:15 pm

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Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚
October 12th, 1:15 pm


"HAPPY 60 DAYS!" Amerie's eyes tiredly blinked open at the loud voices before her, naturally waking her of the nap she'd found herself submerged in.

Her body gradually sat up as she looked to the end of the bed where a host of nurses, and other faculty of the center crowded around the edge of the bed. Her lips turned up with the more she intook the people who were there. A circular cake in the hand of one person, while the rest held balloons and other gift bags for her.

"Thank you so much." She spoke with a slight rasp from the tiredness of her voice. She didn't even remember falling asleep after reading her book, yet there she was at 1 pm.

"Girl it's time to get on up, you have some people here to see you." One of the nurses which whom she'd gotten to know quickly pulled her up by her arm.

60 days. 60 long, hard, yet rewarding days she'd been calling the rehab facility her home. Things weren't easy, but it would be a lie if she said they weren't getting easier as the days continued on. She understood more and more that everything was all about mentality, no matter what it was she was getting herself involved in. She had to want everything for herself, and she wanted the healing that she was in there for so desperately.

So after a while, she finally began to lower down the guard she'd kept up in an attempt to protect herself. She wasn't completely open still and didn't think she'd ever get to that point, but she was open enough to where her mood nor energy dampened the people around her. Instead, her welcoming aura was gradually coming back to allow in those who attempted to try and get to know her just a little bit.

Amerie yawned out tiredly, as she allowed the nurse to pull her towards the visitors area. She didn't have a scheduled visit, not one that she knew of until her eyes brightened the second she stepped foot in the space.

"Mama!" That soothing, small voice of the little girl yelled out as she quickly ran up towards her mother with her tiny arms extended.

"Hi baby!" Amerie gasped as she embraced Malani in the tightest hug she could wrap around her daughter who stood before her happily. Her body raised up with Malani to hold her up against her hip, giving multiple kisses to her daughter who could only cheese widely, displaying the deepness of her dimples. "You look so pretty." She gushed as her hand ran through her daughters tight, defined curls.

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