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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 18: Discover

I can't understand, know I treat you bad
But you don't get me back like that,
I gotta get my baby, girl, don't leave me
All this crazy shit that you been dealin' with it, you probably hate me


Syre's body twisted in the bed uncomfortably, both frustrated with the fact he couldn't sleep through the night and annoyed at the reason he couldn't

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Syre's body twisted in the bed uncomfortably, both frustrated with the fact he couldn't sleep through the night and annoyed at the reason he couldn't.

"Why you awake?" He groaned with his eyes still squeezed shut. He didn't need to open his eyes to know she was awake, because she didn't sleep unless their bodies were physically touching whenever they stayed under the same roof. And by her body not touching his, he couldn't go back to sleep because things were the same way with him.

He never liked physical touch until meeting her, and Amerie had a bad relationship with it prior to being with him herself. They accepted physical touch in a sexual sense because for them, nothing came with it. But when with each other, they didn't take their hands off of one another, especially in public. Amerie wasn't a fan of PDA, but Syre didn't care, and he made it known heavily whenever the two were around other people.

"Just thinking about a lot." She responded quietly, her eyes trained down on her phone screen where she typed in her notes. "Go back to sleep baby." She mumbled, running her fingers through the messy curls atop his head.

Letting out a loud yawn, Syre glanced to the time that read 2:32 am. He had a long day ahead of him, having a couple meetings to set up different deals and partnerships, but he slowly blinked himself awake anyways. His body gradually turned to lay with his head on her lap rather than his pillow, just under her phone.

"What you thinking bout?" He mumbled with his eyes still closed. She could hear the near exhaustion in his voice, but he forced himself as awake as he could be.

Looking down at him with a small smile through the darkness, Amerie's head leant down to press a gentle kiss along his forehead. "Baby go back to sleep, you have a long day-."

"Ion care, what you thinking bout?" He persisted, making Amerie huff out a breath of frustration from the losing battle she didn't have the energy to keep on with.

"Just everything, with the baby coming in a few weeks. Everything is so real, like once I have her that's it. My entire life becomes this little human I don't even know, but she's been living in my belly for 8 months now."

Syre tiredly chuckled at how dramatic she was being, "It's gon be a lot of changes yeah, but you ain't doing it alone so you straight." He mumbled nearly inaudibly, but she still made his words out as her hand gently stroked his face. "You bout to be a fucking wife soon too, everything coming together nice." He smiled up at her through the darkness, the light from the moon allowing them to make out one another's faces ever so slightly.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now