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*This chapter is very long*

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 15: Jungle

She said, "You're my everything"
"I love you through everything"
I done did everything to her
She forgave me for everything
This a "forever" thing
Hate that I treat it like it's a "whatever" thing



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Thee parents

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Thee parents.

Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚
July 7th, 9:30 am


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Laniiiiii, happy birthday to you!" Amerie sang excitedly. She held a cupcake in her hand with two candles, as she entered into Malani's room seeing her sitting up rubbing her eyes.

At her mothers voice, she quickly turned to look at her from where she sat on top of her father. Her eyes immediately locked in on the cupcake and lit candles Amerie held, the pink decorated frosting becoming more clear with the deeper she walked into the room.

"Cake" Malani smiled down at Syre, before fully turning her body just as Amerie stood crouched down to her level. "For me?" She pointed to herself, making both her parents smile at her innocence.

"Yes mama, it's your birthday. You have to blow the candles out before you eat it though, and you can't have it until you brush your teeth and all that." Amerie smiled down to her daughter who quickly circled her lips getting ready to blow, until Syre covered her mouth.

"Hell nah, you blowing without making ya wish." He sat up with her still on his lap in front of Amerie. They both watched Malani who closed her eyes for a couple seconds, before popping them back open and quickly blowing before Syre could cover her mouth again.

Amerie stood back with a small smile, hearing her loud giggles as her father attacked her face with kisses. She set the cupcake down to the side, allowing the smoke of the candles to breeze out the open window in the room. It was times like these where she just sat back and admired the relationship Malani had with her father.

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