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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟎: 𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐬

Mm, baby, go open a Bible
'Causе God knows that sin is a cycle
Lied to my face, it's your hobby
Boy, you fine as hell for a psycho


PARIS, FRANCE  December 5th, 5:50 pm

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December 5th, 5:50 pm

|| You love it here babygirl, why you frowning ||

The bloodied bottoms of his blackened timbs imprinted the ground in which he walked on, leaving a physical trail of his presence in the nearly wiped out building. His heavy footsteps created a chorus of music with the soppy crimson colored substance that found way to sound with every advancement down the long hallway. He didn't need to look back to admire the footprints he made, leaving behind what he deemed to be decoration within the scarcely inviting building.

A thick cloud of smoke seeped through the comfort of his slightly parted lips, rolling up towards the dark ceiling of the dimly lit hallway. He walked alone, a one man army, despite his people surrounding the outside of the four walls of which enclosed him in the space.

A .22 in one hand, a tightly wrapped cigar rested in the other. The frost of the Paris weather forced his all black attire, concealed with a black hoodie to go under the black puffer he wore over it. His eyes, behind the darkness of his shades, looked to every body that lined the walls he'd dropped. Faces of shock, horror, fear...lifeless.

"Acius, you wipe out all my men alone then aimlessly walk through my building. You're a bold young fella." The voice that harbored a French twang filled the atmosphere, forcing a halt in his footsteps.

His lips, slowly, curved up at the ends in pure satisfaction of the target reached. He tilted his head upwards, allowing the smoke he inhaled to slowly roll up his lungs. He basked in the comfort and peace the blackened cigar provided, allowing him to keep eye on the thick cloud that floated up until disappearing within thin air.

His tongue slowly swiped over his lips in satisfaction as his body slowly began to turn around. He stood in the middle of the hallway, his body so relaxed as opposed to the tenseness he seen within the man who stared at him with such unexplainable anger, despite the attempt at proving himself to be calm.

Those gray eyes under the darkness of his shades went from the man who stood before him, to the woman who stood right next to him. Her body carved out in a tight red dress, complimenting the darkness of her skin that contrasted with the snow white color of the man she stood confidently next to.

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