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- You don't have to read this, but just a disclaimer:

I need yall to understand I'm writing this book as realistic as possible, in terms of their relationship. A lot of yall just want them back together immediately, but that's not how things work nor does that make sense in the context of their relationship. I'm taking a different approach with this book, as opposed to my others where they breakup and makeup within 2 chapters despite the amount of hell the relationship went through.

If you can't handle the realities of what real relationships consist of, feel free to stop reading. But I'm focusing heavily on character development and somewhat of plot this time around, not just the constant toxic relationships and acting like nothing happened. They have deep pasts, went through deep struggles in their relationship, and individually have been through a lot. Which is what I'm trying my best to portray, everything I write is intentional.

Every relationship and every character is intentional for what will eventually tie into character development, plot, and the ending. I'm not about to spoil the book, nor share on whether they get back together or not, but this is the first and last time I'm saying something like this.

I understand it's natural to just want the main characters to be together, but you also have to step back and think logically. Considering she's clearly going through changes and he's still stagnant in the same place she met him in, why would she pursue him at this moment? And his own issues will be touched on deeper.

I plan for like 80 chapters, we're only on 33. Trust me. I love reading yall comments and hearing feedback, but just please take into account every detail. Love yall, muah, onto the chapter.

Jaileen reminder^^

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Jaileen reminder^^


𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 33: How does it feel

I gave you more than you wanted
I gave you more than you needed
So tell me, how does it feel
To lose the one you believe in?



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