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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟑: 𝐌𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬

We made mornin' love
As the mourning doves
Sing a song for us
They were warnin' us
They were mournin' our love
It was more than our love
They cried over us
It was over for us



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"Okay bitch he's here, fuck I'm bout to tell him go home-."

"Kimora." Amerie grit through the phone to her best friend who stood on the other end panicking, "You bout to stop me from getting dick in a second, stop being scary and open the door. Y'all have hung out multiple times before baby." Amerie sighed, although her reassuring words didn't do anything for Kimora whose hands shook out of nervousness.

Her heart nearly beat out of her chest, this being the first time plans actually worked out for her to invite Remi to her house. He'd taken her out for lunch and breakfast, but they never got the chance to see one another after hours or behind closed doors with the exception of a car. But she knew that wasn't the same as being in her house together. Alone.

Taking a deep breath, she looked to herself in the mirror just staring at her own reflection. She was evidently terrified, considering this was the first person since Leon she was actually giving real time to. Not just sex or little entertainment, she genuinely did like him and his company. And had the biggest crush on him.

"Ki baby listen, it's going to be fine mama. Just let loose and don't overthink, be yourself. If it's for you then it is, if not then he'll just be out the picture." Amerie spoke genuinely, staring into the face of her best friend who she could see was stressed.

"Kimora I'm tryna put a baby in yo friend belly, so gon head open the door for that nigga and let us fuck. Please." Syre sighed tiredly, popping his head in the camera from where he sat behind Amerie.

Snapping her neck back, Amerie eyed him with a look that made his head throw back laughing. "She might as well stay on the phone if you're in here threatening me like that." She frowned, turning back to Kimora whose eyes still remained on her mirror to fix up her appearance.

Laughing to herself, she glanced down at the phone to pick up. "Please give me a niece, thanks. Bye!" She quickly hung up the phone before shoving it in her hoodie pocket.

Her eyes glazed over her appearance once more, making sure she still looked good despite the bummy attire and lack of makeup. She believed in showing her true self in the comfort of her home, not having the urge to dress up or beat her face despite her insecurities. It wasn't like she could be to her best any time she seen him if things advanced, so she didn't bother making that routine in the beginning stages.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now