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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 22: Deserve me 

You know it, you're so manipulative
I need you to know that you're so manipulative
You know it, first you're bitter, then you're sweet
You think you're so discreet
I see what you did there, what you doin' to me
You played yourself the saddest violin
I bet you thought I didn't see it comin'
You had me hangin' on a string
I let it go, let it go, let it go, now can you let go of me?


Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 August 9th, 2:21 am

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Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚
August 9th, 2:21 am


She was freezing cold, yet her body poured of sweat. She felt nauseous, although nothing but the remains of the drugs that still infected her bloodstream traveled its course through her body. Her head pounded in pain, like someone took a hammer to beat against the inside of her head where the softness of her brain was supposed to lie. For the first time in over a month, she lay sober, experiencing the horrors of her withdrawals she'd experienced before. This wasn't just an addiction, it was a relapse.

Thankfully, all of those symptoms had come and gone after the doctors had her on Suboxone through a tapering method of recovery. The Suboxone binds to the opioid receptors which makes the body think there is an opioid, and prevents withdrawals which doesn't get the person high. It has a sealing effect which doesn't get people high or addicted. Given over a course of 5 days to not feel sick or high, and everyday the dosage is brought down to ease off of the opioids.

When she was brought in, Syre demanded the most painless and comfortable recovery process possible. He didn't want her suffering, not more than she'd already been suffering primarily for the sake of her healing for Malani. Everything regarding Amerie nowadays was for their daughter, nothing more. Nothing less.

Her dull eyes stared into the doorway, locked in on those gray ones she could still see so clearly through the darkness of his limo tint shades. It was almost scary how distinct she could read them, those eyes that reflected something near one in the same as hers.

"Get out." She hissed out in her low voice, struggling to even get her words out through the pain of speaking.

Even with the medication, she still felt pain and her sweats, along with her mental state that was so blank right now. But what she could process, was the man who stood before her who she'd rage war on if possible. She looked to him with eyes so dark and dull, screaming out the works of a hatred she'd never looked to him with until that moment.

Syre heard her struggled words, but didn't listen to her. Instead, he made his way deeper into the room, closer towards her bed with his own emotions grasping at his veins. He didn't know what he felt, possibly a mixture of guilt yet still anger. So much anger towards her for everything, but mainly for the little girl who lay asleep on the other side of the wall who she left as if she'd meant nothing. He was angry for how naive she was to get involved with Semaj despite his many words of warning. And he was angry he got them in this position, somewhere neither could have ever imagined out of their once relationship.

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