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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 7: Dead end words 


"You'll stay in here until she comes, the father is here too

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"You'll stay in here until she comes, the father is here too." Semaj informed her as the door she'd never seen before slowly opened up.

She wanted to feel something, maybe even nerves, but everything washed over her so blankly as she was forced into the secluded space with a man she hadn't seen in weeks. Her body stumbled inside from the rough nature of the hands that held her, before the echoing sound of the door slamming shut filled the space only those two bodies occupied.

Her eyes fixated on his that stared at her with a certain glint in his eyes the second she stepped in. They both just watched one another, intaking the physical appearance that they were stripped away from for some time now. Although silent, the tension was loud and thick enough between the two, that their own stares would have killed one another had it been possible. The feelings that fell over them were harsh, nasty, unheard of when it came to the two of them.

Amerie's body never let up on her pursuit straight in his direction, almost as if he was calling to her which prompted him to stand himself. His face hardened and expressionless, but the emotion, that evil feeling of anger, shot right through his darkened eyes and tight chiseled jaw.

Her presence alone had an effect on him that he couldn't spare time to think about, wouldn't, before reaching out to snatch her up by her throat to where their bodies pressed together so tight they could almost feel each other's hearts beating.

"Tell me why the fuck I shouldn't kill you right now." His low raspy voice hissed out right into her ear, as his own footsteps backed her into the wall until her back slammed up against it. Her body shivered at the iciness of his breath up against her skin. "Answer me." He grit, his grip around her throat only tightening to restrict her of any air she tried to breathe.

Her nails dug into the hand he held her with, feeling her breath shorten as the seconds began to pass. Her head felt so lightheaded as her eyes began to flutter shut, just before he loosened up ever so slightly with his head never leaving the crook of her neck.

"I- I hate you!" She struggled to get out, feeling his body step forward to close the gap between them.

His head raised from her neck, revealing the sinister smile that curved the corners of his lips up as he stared at her. So deep into her eyes, like he knew something that she didn't. Like those eyes told a story that her mouth wouldn't.

"You hate me?" He spoke softly, no louder than a whisper as his free hand trailed down her body, down every curve and twist of her shape. "How much you hate me?" He prompted.

And before she could have a reaction, her body stiffened up feeling his finger swipe between her folds that leaked out for him.

"How much you hate me?" He spoke again, tightening that grip on her throat as his middle finger slowly buried itself deep inside her without warning. Her eyes shot down, watching that bulge created by his hand that stuffed into her sweatpants, pushing her panties to the side to accommodate to him.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now