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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 11: Thanks 4 Nothing

Please don't think I'm heartless
I'd rather think with my brain


Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 June 21st, 1:23 pm

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Los Angeles, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚
June 21st, 1:23 pm


"So Mr. Acius, you had a mental breakdown it's been reported. Can you tell me a little about what sparked that?" The room held nothing but 2 bodies, seated directly across from one another with the only barrier being the circular coffee table between them.

The younger woman, closer to his age, sat with her legs crossed over one another. Her skirt hiked up ever so slightly, a little above mid thigh. But her energy read she wasn't there for anything aside from what she was assigned, as the rest of her formal attire kept all other parts of her body hidden away and only leaving nothing more than imagination.

She watched the man who sat in front of her run his tongue over his lips slowly, his lowered gray eyes locking in on her own that sat behind her thick frames. He hadn't let up on the state once in the 2 hours they'd been sitting there, 2 hours of no progress between the two. Half of which came from his attempts at successful seduction to refrain from having to do what he was forced into.

"What happened?" He finally spoke after her repeated question. His stare didn't intimidate her, it only made her want to challenge it greater as her body straightened up in the seat.

"Please, this doesn't have to be anything difficult. You had a mental break down, and you were found in your cell passed out with a broken hand. What happened to garner such a reaction, because it was heard and watched over once the security tapes were rolled." The woman, Serena, persisted.

"I started thinking bout my baby momma, it ain't nun new." He shrugged nonchalantly, examining the cast around his hand. "We do this shit every couple months and it's the same thing every time, ain't that hard to leave me the fuck alone."

"You would be left alone if it didn't result in damaging yourself. I'm trying to help you because they're already talking and suggesting sending you to a psychiatric hospital. Either that, or a maximum security prison as you're not only a danger to others, but also yourself." Her words brought his dark, lifeless eyes up towards her face where her glasses hung low.

The mention of a psychiatric hospital made his eyes flutter shut in attempts to calm his breathing. He was irritated, and the longer he was forced to sit across from Serena, the more he had an urge to take that anger out on her. But not in ways that'd benefit either of them.

"Y'all send me to a psychiatric hospital, I'll personally show y'all how crazy a nigga can get. Stop fucking playing with me." He spoke calmly, no emotion in his tone, or expression on his face, for Serena to read.

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