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This is a disclaimer. I do not own wings of fire or most of the characters mentioned in this work. This story is mine and is obviously not canon in the real wings of fire series. Thank you. Rogue is my oc character and so is her mother and father. 

(Please imagine Rogue as more dark purple, and glowy, I just don't want to re-draw it)


I flick my tail subconsciously, yawning. I've been lounging on this downed palm tree for hours now. It's not fun, but it's thousands of times better than sitting around on that hellhole island I'm supposed to call 'home'. 

I think about my missing brother, Stonemover, and his powers. The first Animus in hundreds of years. The queen draining his magic till he was almost an entirely different dragon. There's no surprise really that he ditched us all. 

I know he did it for a good reason though. The letter he left me told me everything. Animus magic is a curse. And, I never want anything to do with it again.

I shift over, the sun bearing down a bit harshly. I could retreat into the jungle, into the cool ferns, but something stops me. Maybe I just want to enjoy it a little longer, before I'm found and dragged back. Now that my brothers gone, they've been trying to set me up with other dragons, hoping that some of my dragonets may have magic too. 

If they did, I tell you what I would do. I would kill it, preventing it from being used. It's too dangerous. Animuses are to powerful for this world. It would be a mercy to kill it right away. 

These dark thoughts stop running though my mind for a moment, my eyes drawn to movement in the water. I watch it closely, wondering if it was just my imagination. 

But then, a very dark blue head peaks out, and I quickly slide beneath the tree, the shadows hiding my form almost perfectly. 

It's a Seawing, although, I've never actually seen one before. Since I never go anywhere except here and the island, I've only met other Nightwings and a few Rainwings. Oh, and that one Sandwing once. 

He fully emerges onto the beach, giving me a better look at him. His navy blue almost looks black, but spots of white cover his entire body, lighting up slightly in odd patterns as I watch. His webbed claws and back are so different that any other dragons I've seen, and his eyes shine a bright white too.

Then he turns to look right at me, tilting his head. 

"Why are you down there?" 

Having my hiding spot compromised, I decide that pretending to stay hidden isn't the best idea right now. I stick my head out tentatively, still not sure if he's hostile or not. 

"How could you see me?" 

"Well, I watched you go there from the water, sooo..." 

Damn my slow reflexes. 

"Ah, I see" I pull myself fully out from the shadows, sensing no danger from him so far. 

He takes a step closer, checking me out from head to tail. I feel a bit embarrassed, covering myself with my wings a little better. 

"Why are your scales so dark?"

"I'm a Nightwing, all of us have black scales"


I look at him in disbelief. How could he not know what a Nightwing is? We're the most powerful and feared tribe in all of Pyria! It was almost insulting. 

"Well, anyways, why are you here Seawing?" 

"Oh, well, I live near here actually" 

Another odd thing. No Seawings live near this side of the continent, not many anyways. 

"Is there anyone else with you?" I await his answer, hoping he says he's alone, though I'm not sure why. 

"No, I live alone" a sad tone permeates his voice subtly. An idea forms in my mind. 

"Well, I'll be here again tomorrow, so if you want, we can... hang out? You won't be alone then"

He looks up at me with a smile, eyes bright. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly.

"I would love that" he answers. 

Oh! I don't even know this dragons name! What's wrong with me?

"My names Fateteller, what's yours?"

"My name is Azul"

I move a bit closer, and we give each other a small, equally shy smile. Guess its not so boring here after all. 

Wings of Fire: Rogue PowerWhere stories live. Discover now