Chapter 20

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It took a bit of magic to fix up the main things in the room, like the bed and dressers, and, the walls and windows. But otherwise all it really took was old fashioned hard work and love.

Well, anger really. There was enough dust in here to make a thousand stuffed bunnies. I wiped out their entire army, but it took all day. By the time I was done, I felt like my scales had absorbed enough dirt that I was more gross than the entire room when I first started. 

Instead of using magic again, I simply went out the window ( hoping ide be able to find it again) and flew to the closest source of water I could see. Which, was the ocean. 

The stars are starting to peak out from the purple sky, and as I neared the water, the sunset came into view gloriously. 

Small yellowish clouds were scattered over the purple orange skyline, the yellow circle barely visible, seemingly being sucked into the fiery ocean. 

I wish Void could see this.

A pang of loneliness runs through me at the thought of the pale dragon, turning my happiness into endless sorrow. 

I wonder what he's doing right now. I doubt he'd go back to Harpy's. Maybe he returned to the ice kingdom. Or, maybe he's just wandering till he figures out what he really wants. He finally has his freedom after all. 

I dive into the ocean, feeling my thoughts wash away with the waves as the water soothes my rough scales and tired talons. It's been so long since I've been in the ocean. 

Actually, I think... I haven't done this since my first night of life, hiding from that storm. 

I had visited once after that, but as a Sandwing. It didn't feel the same though, more irritating than calming. 

But being back in my true scales is much more amazing, as though I feel at home here. 

Even with that feeling, I quickly clean myself off as best I can, and leave onto the beach quickly, fighting the urge to jump back in.

As I'm about to head back to the castle, a cave opening catches my eye. 

Nothing about it is exactly remarkable, but I can see an odd glow coming from inside. Curiosity getting the better of me, and, no warning bells going off in my head, I decide to explore it. Not much else to do anyways. 

Once I get a few feet into it, I see why it's glowing. 

On the roof of the cave, and several stalagmites is glowing moss. All around are tiny pools of water, and in a few of them I see small white fish swimming slowly and sleepily.

It's not just a greenish glow, but a yellowy and pinkish one too, giving the cavern a magical feeling. Even having magic myself, I doubt I could have created this easily. 

I walk around the large cavern curiously, but don't find anything that strange till I come upon a pool a lot deeper and wider than the rest. 

Since I couldn't see the bottom from up here, I decided to dive in. Once in the water, I found something odd.

It's... a bracelet? 

Nestled in some algae, the silver item glints through the green layer of life growing on it. 

Pulling it from it's resting place, I wipe it off with one talon gently, revealing the beautiful art melded into it. Wanting a better look, I pull myself from the water into the light. 

Upon closer inspection, they look to be seawing markings, swirls and talon prints all over it, with small bright blue diamonds speckled in-between. 

I wonder how such a beautiful seawing treasure ended up all the way over here?

But, it seems pretty obvious after a moment. This cave obviously gets filled with water sometimes. The ocean current must have pushed it back here a long time ago. How it got all the way around the continent to here is pretty weird, but it's the only explanation I had. 

Clutching it safely to my chest, I leave the odd cave behind and head back to the palace tiredly, ready to sleep for a while.

When I finally find the right window and terrace to the room, I can barely keep my eyes open. I crash onto the bed, my eyes closing instantly as I fall asleep within moments.


I wake from my dreams suddenly, and in the process-


-I slam my head on one of the bedposts in my panic. Rubbing my now sore head gingerly, I blink blearily, trying to fully wake up. My dream, whatever it was, has already faded from my mind. It felt important in a way, but it's to late now.

As I roll over, my wing touches something icy cold, and I pull out the bracelet from yesterday. Hmm. I'm still very curious about this. But that can wait. I can't forget why I'm here.

I set it back on the bed as I get up, stretching my limbs a bit to get rid of my stiffness.

I came here to learn about Darkstalker. So, I guess my first destination will be the library. Every kingdom has a library or two full of history, records, and stories. 

Shouldn't be too difficult to find a place that important.

I could use magic to locate it, but, I want to try finding it on my own first. I need to start familiarizing myself with the castle and surrounding area anyways. 

So I set off on my first real mission, hoping to find clues soon. 

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