Chapter 30

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There it was, the question he had been waiting for. 

"That far back huh? Alright"

I sweep away some of the scrolls as I head to the open window. Rogue follows my line of sight in confusion.

"Where are you going?"

I glance back with a smirk.

"The begining"

She looks skeptical, but follows me out anyways.

We fly pretty high up, to a mountain peak close to the castle. It has a large flat surface on top, like a crater inside. It always reminded me of a volcano.

I land extremely delicately, and she follows suit, still confused.

I slide my talons over the smooth stone ground wistfully. It's different now, all the soft furs now rotted away. The view is still astounding though.

I can almost picture the moons still there above me, as my parents argued over my name.

"I was born here. All Nightwing dragonets were hatched under the moons in case they got powers. As you know, it was the brightest night of the year"

Rogue doesn't interrupt me, looking around curiously.

"My sister was supposed to hatch with me, but she was asleep. She didn't feel the moons power like me. She hatched later during the day, so, she was ordinary"

"But, didn't you know you could change that? With your magic? Or did you not notice it yet?"

"I sensed it, and the paths ahead. I wanted to make her like me. But I also knew it would cause me trouble in the future. Things would be more complicated, dangerous. So I let her be"

"But..." I turn to the purple dragon.

"... That doesn't sound very fair to me. How do you know for sure it would have been the wrong decision? She deserved a choice in that. Did you ever ask her about it?"

I pause, thinking back. Whiteout was always a bit odd, not that I loved her any less, but it was hard to know what she was feeling. Still, I had asked her once if she wanted powers like me.

She said something along the lines of 'that path has long been forgotten' which didn't give me a straight answer. 

"It was hard to know with her. The one time I asked she didn't seem bothered about it. Like it wasn't important"

She looks a bit unsure about that, but changes the subject slightly.

"Well, why did you bring me here? I already know you hatched under the moons"

"Because, dear Rogue, do you know the first thing I heard coming out of my egg?"


"Fighting. You see, my mother and father weren't as happy as many assumed. Mostly because my father, Arctic, had used so much of his magic escaping the ice kingdom that his soul was rotten almost to the core"

The thoughts in my head when I felt that even as a dragonet were so strong, wanting to set him on fire and watch him turn to ash. But he still loved my mother, and I knew he wanted to try to be better.

I watch the horror on Rogues face twist into sadness. But I'm long over it by now.

"Hmmpf. Anyways, from that day forward I hated my father. Not fully, but, he as well hated me back. Come on, let's continue our 'tour' of my life"

The bitterness easily distinguishable in my tone, I begin my decent down, gliding towards the dark under caves. I can hear Rogue's wings flapping behind me, not as fast as me. I should slow down, but I'm fuelled by anger at the moment.

Landing on the familiar front porch of my old home, a wave of uneasiness fills me, as though I expect my father to walk out of the hallway to scowl at me. Telling me I'm late, even though there's no set time on when I return or leave.

Whiteout would be on the couch, like normal, and would probably greet me with a wave and cryptic message. 'the stars were lower tonight' which would translate to 'it was colder than she liked' or possibly that they actually were lower. Hard to know.

"So, you really did live here then?" Rogue pipes up behind me.

"Yes, although it wasn't easy"

"Tell me all about it" she sits down on the stone couch, looking at me thoughtfully. She unintentionally sat exactly like her. Although she didn't have nearly as much purple scales.

I also feel a bit odd, something about the way Sha asked that makes my face redden slightly. But quickly I right myself.

"My mother and father, as you know, didn't get along much. They argued constantly over pretty much everything. It really bothered my sister, Whiteout, as she was sensitive to others emotions and strong sounds. I tried to be around to help, but..."

A sigh leaves me.

".. I also left as often as possible to avoid it all. I tried to also keep Clearsight away from here at first, but eventually she learned all about it. I'll never forget that first time, when my dad caught us in my room with that reading scroll. Ha! I can still hear it"

"Wasn't all that bad then was it?" She gives me a small smile.

"Yeah, I guess so"

"This isn't the important part though"

I tilt my head. This is important. This is my life after all.

"What do you mean?"

She takes a long look at me.

"You know what I mean. Tell me about how you discovered your magic"

We lock eyes a minute or two, before I suddenly turn and trudge down the hall. I hear a defeated long breath from her before she follows me.


Stopping in front of a small stone bed, Rogue examines it's contents before raising a scaly brow at me.

"My first time using my magic, was this"

Picking up the small wooden scavenger toy, I'm surprised it's lasted this long. Maybe something to do with the spell I put on it.

"It was for my sister. She kept losing it and had a hard time sleeping without it, so I enchanted it to return to her bed every day without fail" I smile fondly at the memory. I was also a bit embarrassed when I told Clearsight about it. 

Rogue looks at the small carving in a way I don't recognize before nodding.

"Did you um... Did you see that tablet in your parents room?" She hesitates asking me, a little fearful. Even her talons twitch a little along with one of her wings. I can almost see it in my head, probably another part of our new connection.

Ide nearly forgotten about that, and I was sure my father would have disposed of it after before. But I guess not.

"Yes. I do. It's old news, nothing my father ever agreed to"

Relief painted her features only momentarily.

"Why did you kill your father then?"

An awkward pause follows as I think about the answer to that one. I don't want to tell anything out of order too much. It's not something she needs to know, yet.

"Patience, dear Rogue. We'll get there eventually. For now, only the events leading to that unfortunate day"

I turn to the opposite side of the hall, heading to my old room.

The one I feel like I only left yesterday.

Hello! I wrote this one slowly, as I was distracted reading other stories on Wattpad. Fun fact: the first time I went on Wattpad, I actually started reading a wof fanfic. Sadly, I can't seem to find it now. I remember most of it though.

You'll probably recognize a lot of what Darkstalker's talking about from his legends book. Or if u haven't read it, well, it's a type of summary. I've read it lots of times (too many times?).

Idk, till next time


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