Chapter 33

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(listen to "Je Te Pardonne" on loop while reading this in he begining if u want. I think it fits the mood)


Watching Darkstalker suddenly disappear in front of me was not what I had expected.

I thought for a moment he might have found a way to use his powers, but he looked just as confused and surprised as I did.

And, the now weird glowing thing going on with the old drawing on the wall. I ain't touching that in a million years, or 2,000 for that matter.

I hesitantly walk all around it but still don't see much. 

Guess I just have to wait.


Everything is blank. 

Ok not everything, under my feet seems to be glass, and under that, webs.

As I watch, they fall apart and reform endlessly, weaving and unweaving sporadically. It hurts my head just seeing it.


That voice again. It sounds so hauntingly familiar. 

I swing my head around, and finally, I see her.

The silver scales down her face made her seem constantly sad

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The silver scales down her face made her seem constantly sad. And the silver star on her head almost glowed even in the bright white endlessness.

Her violet eyes shimmered with emotion as he reached out to her gently.

She was actually here. In front of him. The same as the day he lost her.

"Your free" it was more of a statement than a question, and sadness permeated her words.

"Yes. Couldn't stay under there forever you know" I wanted to make a joke, like I normally would have, but I was too busy looking at her. 

I want to never forget her, now, in this moment. 

"I see. Then, does that mean your going to continue what you started before?" She still stays away from me, and it hurts me deeply to see the fear still hiding behind her words.

"No. That's... Not possible right now" for the first time since appearing here I avert my eyes from hers.

"You don't have your scroll anymore do you?" She asks.

"Well, no. I'm not sure where it is. But that's not important right now" I walk up to her, fear coming off her in waves as we become barely inches apart.

"I'm sorry" tears fall from my eyes as I wrap my wings and arms around her, breathing in her comforting scent.

She relaxes into me after a few seconds, sighing deeply.

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