Chapter 16

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After the click, and my purple scales appear, Thysan just stares at me for a very long time. I start to feel very, very regretful. 

"I- it's Animus touched. I made it myself" I slip the bracelet off so he can see it. Sometimes I forget I enchanted it to be invisible once worn.

He stays silent, but looks to it with disbelief.

"I'm an Animus, so, I can protect you. If you want me too. Or not. Maybe I should leave" the words fall from my mouth one by one and slipping the bracelet back on and back to Sandwing, I start to leave the room. 

He grabs my arm before I can though.

"Wait. I'm sorry. I'm just... Surprised" I pause, then turn to face him. 

"So your... not a Sandwing then?" 

I nod.

"Oh. Ok, well, thats fine. Are you a seawing then?" I watch him slowly try to make sense of what I told him.

"Yes and no. I'm half Nightwing as well. It's a long story, really. I can explain later. But, seriously, I can help you"

Some of my words reach him, but others don't. 

"So... You can enchant anything at all. Anything you want" I'm losing him. Sigh. 

"Yeah, sure, but that's not the point-" he interrupts me.

"There's so much you could do! Why-" 

"Thysan. Stop. Come on, I want to go home" I give him a stern look, and luckily, his face returns to normal. The look in his eyes before was starting to freak me out. 

"Sorry. Alright. I'll go talk with the general. We can go back"

He gives me a smile before leaving me alone in the small room.

I. I did it. I told him and the world didn't explode. Looking ahead now that he's a bit farther away, I see me (him being invisible but probably there) flying back to his house safely.

It was a huge relief. I have been so scared of showing myself to anyone but Void after all this time. 

Oh no Void. I have to tell him about this. I promised I'd tell him everything important, and this was definitely an important event.

Sitting in the semi-darkness for a little while now, I almost start to doubt Thysan's return but sure enough, he peeks his head in eventually.

"Come on. We better fly back before dark or Harpy will have my head" I follow him up and onto the endless sand, happy to be out of the confined space.

We set off quickly, and unlike last time where he was cold and distant, he's smiling the entire time, even flying in circles around me at one point playfully.

It's the happiest I've ever seen him, and it brings a genuine grin to my face.

By the time we finally arive at his house, a few stars are appearing on the edge of the purple and orange sky.

"I'm sorry about all of that" he starts as we walk inside "I just sort of panicked. Vulture is a dangerous dragon. His daughter is the best assassin in the entire kingdom, and I knew she would be after me once I didn't show"

Hearing a little more of his story started to connect the dots for her a bit better.

"But, I didn't want to leave without... you. I know, it was a bit stupid not to explain or anything" he gives my moon necklace a strange look again before meeting my eyes with a sparkle to them.

"Hey, by the way, how's the painting going?" 

Oh! The painting!

 "Follow me" I say, leading the unusually excited dragon up to the bright room.

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