Chapter 38

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(some rando night sky lol)

... As the sun peaks up over the water, in a blaze of orange and gold, a strange thing happens.

On the top of the now fiery orange water, a huge dragoness appears, larger even than Darkstalker when I first freed him from underground.

She glitters a deep red and gold, her orange burning eyes watching us with disdain, but she smiles wide, showing her sharp, golden teeth off in a display of power. Her wings are stretched wide, and seem almost to large for her. But, the most brilliant and strange thing about her.... Her tail.

It's covered completely in different gems of all sizes, shapes, and colors, all glittering in a kaleidescope of rainbow light over the ocean. She seems to fade in and out as well, as though I could walk right through her.

A silver crown glints on her head elegantly, small turquoise gems hanging off, shaped like tears.

"Ah, finally..."

Her voice is loud and booming, and I almost fall over, startled. Beside me, Darkstalker is also a bit in awe, but holds his ground.

"Tch, your smaller in person.... No matter. Hello Rogue, Darkstalker" 

She says, her voice reverberating around the beach. All we both do is stare at her, till Darkstalker speaks first.

".... Who are you?... " He asks in a awed whisper, his silver eyes glittering, but with what I'm not sure...

Her eyes burn into him, a small smile gracing her face now.

"I am Gem, the goddess of the skywings. It's nice to finally meet the 'stalker of dreams'... I saw everything you did back then, and it was impressive"

He blinks in surprise, before a smirk crosses his face.

"Ha, I guess..."

"Don't get a big head about it Nightwing"

She says sternly, but her tone is slightly joking. Then she looks to me, and I shrink under her fiery gaze.

"Don't be scared Rogue. I'm here to help you two"

She smiles, but it seems a bit sinister, and she flaps her wings gently before closing them at her sides, standing up and eyeing me silently now.

I'm still scared a bit, and wary of the supposed goddess, but, if she knows what my visions were about....

"Why would you do that?" I ask, sitting up straighter as well, my tail flicking and my eyes now challenging. Meanwhile, Darkstalker is watching me from the corner of his eyes with a smile.

"Because you two have a lot to do, and, without guidance you won't survive. Besides, I was asked to by Oracle... Your Nightwing god. He was to busy to see you himself"

She says, studying her claws on her talons, looking bored.

A god of nightwings? Does that mean there's a god for every tribe? Are they good? I have so many questions now, but, it might be rude to ask right now.

"... Does that mean you know what my visions mean?..."

Her eyes glitter, smirking at me with an eery glint.

"Of course. I'm going to tell you how to get there as well... on one condition"

Me and Darkstalker glance at each other unsure.

"... And what is that?" Dark asks smoothly, looking at the goddess with narrowed eyes.

She notices of course, but her smile just widens.

Wings of Fire: Rogue PowerWhere stories live. Discover now