Chapter 37

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Some more art for ya'll!

The other night the moon looked like this with the ring of light around and I had to draw it, along with it's little star buddy, though, I made it look a lot brighter than it was.

But it was missing something, so, I added Rogue to it!

I'll put her up with that Darkstalker one in my art book soon enough. 

Anyhow, enjoy!

(And, extra pretty Nightwing because why not, though I think I overdid it with the stars a little)

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(And, extra pretty Nightwing because why not, though I think I overdid it with the stars a little)

Waiting by the beach for the rest of the night was starting to make me feel extremely bored.

We had time still, and I wanted to do something more fun, before we saw whatever it is we needed to.

As I watch the moons start to rise from the edge of the ocean, I discreetly splash Dark with a bit of water with my tail.

He looks around confused, then goes back to sitting stoically.

I do it again, but with more force, getting his face a little even.

When he looks to me, a bit annoyed, I smile innocently at him... And do it again.

"Hey! What the heck Rogue!"

"What?" I say softly, then, I jump into the shallow water smoothly, and the waves from it almost completely drench him.

He looks at me very, very unimpressed, water dripping off his snout and horns.

I laugh a bit at him, laying in the shallow water, relishing the feel of in on my scales.

He gets a mischievous look, and before I can react, he flips his wings hard, causing sand to fly into my face relentlessly. Sputtering and coughing a bit, I dive deeper.

I can hear him laughing even under the water, and after shaking the sand off of me, I jump back out of the water, whacking him with a wing gently before flying up into the sky.

He follows of course, and we fly in circles a bit as he tries to catch my but I keep twisting out of the way smoothly while laughing happily.

He's ginning happily as well, and in the light of the sun, which is starting to set, we have fun.

Sometimes I forget I'm still not a grown up for a little while longer. So much has happened to me in my life so far that I haven't had much time to just... Be a kid.

I can tell Darkstalker feels the same way. I glimpsed his memories for the more impactful ones, and saw a few with him and Clearsight, just being together. She really was the world to him.

I also know I remind him more of a certain seawing, who he wanted dead. So you know, bad and good things...

But right now, we both just live in the moment, not worrying about prophecies or destiny's, or our lost friends and family. Just having fun in the sky and the water under the purple night sky.

... After about an hour, we calmed down a bit and sat back on the beach to relax.

"... You know, a lots changed around here since my time. Even some of the stars I know are gone, or moved a bit" Darkstalker comments quietly, looking up at the night sky glittering above.

"... Have the moons changed though?" I ask him, tilting my head a bit.

"Heh... No... They're still the same as the day I hatched..."

He looks a bit sad now, looking at the three moons in regret it seems. 

"... It's going to be ok you know. I promise"

He looks at me, with a grim smile.

"I believe you"

 I fall asleep on the sand after a bit, but Darkstalker insisted on staying up. I let him because I could tell he needed some time to himself. So much has changed for him in a short amount of time, and I know that feeling all too well.


I watch Rogue fall asleep, and watch her closely as her breathing even out and her spots glow slightly on and off.

Like before in the cave, I think a bit about how much she reminds me of Indigo and Clearsight. I hated Indigo because of her mistrust of me, and I dealt with her eventually. I loved Clearsight and her wonderful personality, her kindness, and how she kept me on the right track.

But in the end really both of them decided I had been the bad guy.

And I was.

But Rogue isn't the same as them. Yes, she doesn't fully trust me. And yes, she is trying to keep me on a certain path. But she's also giving me a chance as well. Maybe without my powers or gifts, but still.

I've started to figure out what she did, looking into my memories through our new connection.

So I've been looking at hers, at least a couple, since I'm still figuring it out. I saw the ice kingdom, and it hasen't changed much since the time I glimpsed it in my father's mind.

I also saw the sand kingdom, and an island in a storm. A strange dragon with giant eyes beside him, a dragon of stone... Bits and pieces that are more prominent memories.

I'm intrigued by her life, seeing how young she is, and all these places she's lived before. 

I find myself drawn to her, despite many things.

But, that's weird right? I mean, I'm over 2000 years old, and she's like, 5 still. Maybe I do still have the mentality of a 6 year old dragon, but still. This could be a big issue between us. 

I won't say a thing, unless she says something first. Till then, I'll just stay her friend, and help her on her quest. 

I think about this longer as the night flys by, and soon enough, the sky starts to change color.

I nudge Rogue gently, and her eyes flutter open. She notices the sky as well, standing and stretching her wings and legs a bit to stand beside me.

We wait in anticipation as the first few minutes pass, and, the first glimpse of the sun appears.

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