Chapter 3

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We couldn't go to the island yet. 

We were stopped by the storm, and had to sit in a cave for almost the entire night. I knew, and she knew, the egg had probably died. 

While we were stuck, our two other eggs hatched. Both boys, and both, very much Nightwings. Except for one thing. Each of them had gills, and a few glowing spots under their wings. It didn't really matter to me what they looked like, I love them, and so does she. 

When the storm lets up, a few stars still light the sky, along with the three moons. I know its probably hopeless, but, I set out right away to our little island. 

Somehow, I still have hope. 

I'm flying as fast as I can, but after a bit I take to the water instead. Every muscle in my body is aching by the time I make it to the island. 

I crawl onto the beach gasping for air, my lungs struggling to keep up with my racing heart. I look into the nest earnestly.

I see silver eggshells all around, but, no dragonet. 

I begin searching the small circle of land, lifting every rock, stick, leaf, everything! 


I turn to the small noise, and see her. 

A small black dragonet, no, she has lots of purple down her back. And lots of Seawing spots glow all over her, including her wings. Her light purple pink eyes shine when she sees me.

It takes me a few moments to realize where she came from. She was under the water! Of course! It must have been safer there during the storm. 

I rush over and lift her in my talons, her squeaking happily. 

Then she does something unexpected. 

She lifts one of her talons, and a seashell from the beach floats up and over to her, and she holds it out for me with a small smile. 


A hollow feeling opens up in me. I can't bring her back with me. 

Fateteller told me, many times, that if the dragonets were animuses... she would kill them. Not because she hated them, but because of the dangers that came with them. It would be all to easy for someone to use them, or for they themselves to become evil. 

He understood that too, and promised he would tell Fateteller.

He couldn't hurt her though. 

He saw her face change at the same time as his, her eyes looking at him intently. She let out a sad sigh. It was almost like... She can hear what I'm thinking. 

She tilts her head at me. 

Oh wow! This is- also bad. But better. Sort of. 

"Little one, if you can understand me, I need you to listen very closely ok?"

She slowly nods at me.

"Good. You already know I can't take you home right?"

She droops sadly, but nods again.

"I'm going to bring you somewhere, but I won't be able to stay with you. You'll have to take care of yourself" my voice has started to crack, tears falling down my face. 

I see her eyes are shining too, but she only nods again. 

I take off into the sky, holding her safely. If I spend any more time with her, I won't be able to let her go. 

We fly for hours. I go around the edge of the rainforest, not stopping till I see the wide open desert. The sand kingdom is at war, but, its easy for dragons to get around it because of how large it all is. 

The first thing I find is a small oasis. All over the sand kingdom are small pools of water surrounded by palm trees. Usually, Sandwings live near them. But this ones empty. I set down on the burning sand, thrusting my head into the cool water for a few moments. Seawings weren't built for these conditions. 

I let her crawl out of my hands once I emerge, tears still falling from my eyes. But luckily, the water on my face hides them. 

"Goodbye little dragonet. And remember, don't use your power unless you need too" 

her small eyes look up at my forlornly, but she dutifully walks over by the water, laying down. 

I turn and in a flash I'm heading back to our home cave. When I get there, I'll tell her I found her dead, and that I needed time to mourn alone for a while. 

And that's how I leave her, all alone.

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