Chapter 12

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(showing him off once more. Just cause. Hopefully later I will do a better picture of him)

The face of that strange dragon stays stuck in my head the whole flight to the party. When we get there I almost don't notice.

"Bastet, your mind seems elsewhere all day today, is something wrong?" Harpy asks me, and I look up to see we're at a large home, standing outside the entrance. Music can be heard inside.

"I'm ok just... tired. That's all. I'll be fine" 

Harpy looks unconvinced but doesn't prod further, entering the building behind Jackal. Sigh. 

Entering into the crowd, I'm happy to only barely sense anyone's thoughts. Not long after entering, I enchanted a tiny bracelet of mine to help me control my mind reading. Now, its a lot easier to respect other dragons privacy. And of course, I told Void about it. 

Looking around at all the happy celebrating Sandwings, I subconsciously look out for Acinonyx. Even though I know he's probably not here, since my visions tell me so, it doesn't seem to stop me. 

"Hello again, clumsy dragon" I turn around to come face to face with the strange dragon from before. But now, seeing him in the light, I can see exactly what he is.

"Your part Rainwing!" I say. His eyes open wide is surprise, but he recovers quickly.

"Yep. You guessed it. So, you know my name, but I don't know yours" 

"Bastet" I smile wide, still trying not to show my teeth though. The silence between us is interrupted by the band starting a new song, one with a bit of a rhythm to it more. 

I watch as a few dragons start dancing together, till almost everyone is paired up.

"Wanna dance?" The odd dragon, Thysan, asks, holding out a talon. 

I take it in my own, and we move onto the dance floor. If you hadn't guessed, I'm not very good, but the stranger doesn't seem to mind. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jackal watching us with slitted pupils, and I know he'll want an explanation later. But right now, I'm going to enjoy this moment. 

His almost glowing eyes are slightly hypnotizing, but still don't distract me from the rest of his scales. Odd eyes are all over his body, all the same colors as the ones under his wings. Other than that, there wasn't too many different colors too different from a regular Sandwing. What really tipped me off was the shape of his head. A very unique dragon. 

Hold on. I need to look ahead. I need to make sure this dragon is safe.

But... I can't see anything. I start to panic a bit, my mind blank for the first time in years. 

"I'll be right back" I step away from the now slightly sad dragon.

I walk over to one of the orderve tables, picking up a scorched lizard. Just as I thought. As soon as I let go of him, my sight came back. 

Looking ahead, even without touching him, he doesn't appear in my sight. At all. Its like there's... a void where he's supposed to be. 

I observe him from my spot for a moment, and, sure enough, he's wearing an earing. A small diamond earing with silver. It doesn't seem to fit with him at all. It must be enchanted. Once again, fear of unown animus's prick at my scales, and I touch my horns gently with one talon. I'm not sure of the objects spell, and, if its working on me it must mean its from before I was born. An old artifact. I can't let some random dragon walk around with that. 

Finishing off what I guess is my third lizard, I make my way back to Thysan, who was waiting for me by the edge of the dance floor.

"Ah, I was worried you had ditched me on purpose" he exclaims, lighting up a bit when I walk over. 

"Of course not. Just needed a break from all the dancing. If you haven't noticed, I'm not the best" 

"Don't worry about it. How about we hang out by the gardens instead? Less of a workout" He leads me over to a door leading outside, and my mouth falls open when we pass through. 

Hundreds of flowers grow in spiraling rows lit up by small firefly lanterns hung everywhere. Pinks, blues, reds, purples, every color I could imagine. 

"Impressive isn't it? Wasn't easy either. Had to have the dirt flown in, and pay a hefty price to get all the different seeds..."

"You did all this?" I ask, interrupting him. He looks at me from the side slyly. 

"Maaaaayyyybe. This also just might be my party" 

I look at him dumbfounded. I was not expecting that. 

"Didn't realize who I really was huh? I, am a wealthy trader. I bring in stuff from every kingdom, and during war times that is not easy. That's why my business is so successful" I listen to him closely as we walk around the garden, the smell of flowers and the chill in the air calming me. 

"Its not always simple, but, it works. So, mysterious Bastet, what do you do?" 

"Well, I'm nowhere near that important. I live with my brother and my adopted mother Harpy at the orphanage. Like I said, nothing flashy" I thought maybe he might be a bit disappointed, but instead he smiles wide. 

"Ah! I remember that place! Harpy actually helped me find a new home after my parents disappeared when I was 3. Owe her my life and more" 

Relief fills me, although I'm not sure why. 

"My parents left us to join in the war before I even hatched. My brother took care of me till I was 2, when he brought us to Harpy. I'm thankful for it every day" I hate lying. especially to this dragon. But I have too. 

He looks at me with understanding before continuing.

"Other than our sad childhoods, is there anything else you like to do? Hobbies of any kind?"

"Hmmm, well, I am a pretty good Artist" I admit, becoming a bit quieter at the end. I don't get to paint much these days, but I am very good. Lots of free time at the lab gave me plenty of practice. 

His eyebrows raise.

"Well, you'll have to show me then. Come on" I follow him back inside and past everyone, him leading me into a room with a door. 

Shutting it behind him, he waves a wing dramatically.

"Welcome to my art room!" 

A giant tsunami of colors lies in front of me, almost every wall in here splashed in all different types of paint, almost like someone gave dragonets buckets and let them go wild.

"Its... interesting. Nice colors" I say.

"Its terrible, I know. But if your as good as you say, then you can fix this up a bit right?" I feel a little intimidated seeing all of it, but determination sets in, an image taking shape in my head.

"I would love to" 

(Heck YEAHHHHH. Two updates in the same day! :D I'm on a role!)

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