Chapter 4

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I sit alone in the sand for a long time. I know he isn't coming back. The flashes in my head show me the longer he's gone, the less likely it is he'll change his mind.

And, after another hour, that path disappears. 

I'm alone now. 

And that's ok. 

I look at all the paths in front of me. They're all a bit confusing right now, so I stay only a few steps ahead. One of my best options right now is to wait till night. So I guess that's what I'll do.

My stomach growls a bit, but I ignore it. When I was waiting out the storm, I ate a few sea creatures that were shaped funny, but tasted great. It still wasn't very much though. 

It continues to bother me till night falls, many hours later. 

A part of me, a small, tiny part, feels unfathomable pain, replaying my father's wings getting farther and farther away from me. The truth of knowing my mother would kill me if she saw me. Now I'll be safe. This is the right path for me.

I see my window of opportunity, and begin walking off in the direction its leading me. 

A while after starting I see more and more plants. Mostly cactuses, but also some brown pokey bushes too. 

I see a few dragons fly overhead, but my visions tell me they are not good, so I hide from them. Soon, but not yet. 

Eventually, I make it to what looks like a town. At least, that's the word that pops into my head when I see it. My talons, and my head, are pounding, the last of my strength starting to waver. But I can't stop yet, I'm almost there-

My legs give out, and not to long later so do I. 


"Where did you find it?!"

"It was passed out in the sand! It was alone! I couldn't leave it there!" 

"Its a Nightwing! They're dangerous!"

"Its not a Nightwing! See?"

The strange Sandwing lifts up the little dragonets wing, showing her Seawing patterns.

"Its a Seawing! Just very dark colored! Please, just let it stay a little while before we turn it in, its starved!"

A tense silence followed, and every second that ticked by determined the tiny dragons survival.

"Fine. But after she eats, I will take her in"

"Of course! Thank you Gila! I promise To pay you back"

I finally am able to open my eyes and see the two dragons in front of me. They're both Sandwings, and the angry one is a bit lighter colored, while the other is darker, with patterns going down his back. 

My visions suddenly hit me full force. I need to eat something soon, or I'll die.


Both dragons turn to me sharply. 

"Your awake!" the nicer one says, gently lifting me into his arms. I hear in his thoughts only happy things, and a few foods I've never heard of. 

The grumpy ones thoughts are softer, more logical. He's nice too, but he doesn't act like it.

Looking ahead, I see a few paths where I end up staying with them. But all of them lead to bad things. I have to make sure I end up elsewhere, even though right now, all I want to do is stay with this nice dragon.

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