Chapter 35

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Yay! Another one down! I'm so eager to get this finished so I can start the next one. Anyhow...

Soon, I'm going to release a chapter that takes place before the attack explaining the past of the Skywing above, same guy that's attacked our two protagonists. 

But I don't want to write it yet so I'm continuing on for now till I feel like doing that.

I'll put it in my extras book, full of different characters perspectives that we've met in this book so far. It's not up yet, but soon.

Anyway, enjoy!



I feel the exact moment Dark's powers return.

I want to stop him now, do something.

But I'm barely able to think, let alone tell him otherwise.

Instead I just fall to the cold stone tiredly, blinking back pained tears as his silver slitted eyes glow through the inky black.

But after a tense few seconds, I feel the pain begin to fade, and watch as my burns slowly disappear back to their purple hue.

"I'll be right back Rogue" he says, almost scarily calm.

I want to stop him, but I still can't seem to think straight.

"Don't bother, you won't be able to use any magic for a few more minutes. Just for now" 

He walks around me towards the doorway. My talons feel frozen to the floor. It's almost like Thysan all over again.

But I don't feel as scared as before, soothing feelings and blurred words being sent my way by him. Reassuring me.

I guess I have to trust him.


Stepping back into the throne room, all my fear is replaced by excitement.

Finally, I can do something useful.

Luckily for me, I don't have to look far for our enemy.

He walks through the other side of the room, locking eyes with me, a shit eating grin breaking across his face.

In quick succession he spits fire towards me.

I just watch quietly as they approach me, and once they get close enough to seemingly kill, I lift up a talon, and they extinguish.

I give him a cold silent look.

His grin is gone, but he doesn't look less deterred. Maybe even the opposite.

The Skywing cracks his neck and rushes me. Fool.

The ground shifts and rolls beneath the running dragon like water.

Somehow though he still makes it over to me, and I make a pushing motion boredly, wind suddenly blasting him backwards.

He lands on his feet, but just gives me a small knowing smile before flicking a small blue teardrop earring on his ear. And he vanishes.


I look around furiously. I still haven't gotten him back for what he did to Rogue. 

I can't sense him anymore, so either he's invisible, or he teleported. 

Either one is extremely frustrating.

"Darkstalker?" I hear faintly Rogues voice from behind me and remember she can't move. Or at least, she shouldn't be able to, but here she is walking out behind me with an angry expression.

Wings of Fire: Rogue PowerWhere stories live. Discover now