Chapter 6

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(art is not mine, and last chapters art too, forgot to put disclaimer there)

We all turned to the new dragon in surprise.

And, he was definitely different. 

He's an Icewing. A sparkling white gem in all the sand and brown colors everywhere. He has a silver leather bag too he's carrying on his side, and the torch light glints off his glasses perched on his face. 

"Sorry to interrupt, but, I was told I could find you here Harpy"

Harpy finally breaks from her trance, going back to her normal, slightly commanding voice.

"You could have waited at the orphanage Kohlrabi, I was just about to head back there. Even so, how did you get here so fast?" 

"Ah, well, as soon as I got your message I headed straight here. Its easier at night when its not so hot" he looks over a bit sheepishly.

Then his eyes meet mine. A moment passes for him, but for me, its like an entire galaxy opens up before me. Thousands upon millions of possibilities disappear, only for a million more to take their place. And they all stem from one thing: him. My dad. 

I rush over to him before anyone can stop me, even beginning to climb up his leg. 

Instead of getting upset, the icy dragon smiles, eyes shining, lifting the leg I'm on closer to his face. I smile up at him, my spots lighting up haphazardly, making tiny squawking noises. I can't wait to be able to speak normally, but, for now this works. 

"Oh, she seems to know you. Have you ever seen her before?" Acinonyx questions, the first to recover from my frantic run.

"No" the icy dragon says. I climb higher up onto him, reaching his shoulder. I start carefully making my way all the way to the top of his head. I look down at his face, wondering. Trying to read his thoughts is hard, a wall of snow making it fuzzy. But I do sense his emotions. And they are filled with joy.

"Alright, that's cute and everything, but you still need to fill out the proper papers" Harpy cuts in, trying to get control of the situation, so its more in her favor. Kohlrabi smiles at her.

"I will, don't worry. Lets head back to do that now" we all leave the tent, except Acinonyx, and I wave my small talon at him as we leave. He waves back. This is the last time I'll ever see the happy royal dragon who named me. 

A little while later, after my new dad signs some papers, we say goodbye to Harpy and start our journey to my new home. For some reason, I have a sense I'll see Harpy again one day, which is odd to me. Why would I see her but not Acinonyx? 

"Hold tight Rogue, the winds are a bit more tough in the Ice kingdom"

I clear my head for a while, tucking myself into the pouch I'm riding in. I'm used to being held in other dragons talons when flying, so this is a nice change. 

I eventually fall asleep in the satchel, watching the night sky, and my father who stands out starkly against it. 

From that first look, I knew she was the one. My daughter. And apparently, my little rogue. When we signed the papers, Harpy told me how she was found alone after seemingly crawling through the desert. She was afraid to report it and have the baby taken away, so she thought giving her to me would be the safest thing for her.

And, a Nightwing-Seawing. I never would have imagined such a unique dragonet being left alone like that, let alone she would be under my care. 

I was a bit worried about her Nightwing heritage, but Harpy assured me that Rogue could easily pass for a regular Seawing with her colorings. She was very lucky. The only truly Nightwing things about her was her back spikes, and the two silver teardrop scales next to her eyes. But those were easy enough to dismiss. 

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